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In my current relationship, my boyfriend and I have been dating for 2.5 yeays and when I bring up the topic of marriage he does not have anything to say about it. I am willing to wait until he gets out of school in 1 year, but by me saying that I want to get married when he gratuates he says that is not fair to him. We have been living together and doing everything a married couple does, we are even considered common law married! Why does he think that this is unfair to him? I am just waiting because I have already graduated from school and have persued a career. He says he loves me so what is the deal?

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In my current relationship, my boyfriend and I have been dating for 2.5 yeays and when I bring up the topic of marriage he does not have anything to say about it. I am willing to wait until he gets out of school in 1 year, but by me saying that I want to get married when he gratuates he says that is not fair to him. We have been living together and doing everything a married couple does, we are even considered common law married! Why does he think that this is unfair to him? I am just waiting because I have already graduated from school and have persued a career. He says he loves me so what is the deal?

Sounds like to me he isn't ready to give up his so called freedom to be with you soley. I understand you live together and do as a married couple may do but right now he still has the choice to walk if he chooses with out any legal binds. Sounds to me he's not ready for commitment. IF he was sure you are "the one" there should be no doubt in his mind that he would love to marry you. YOu need to sit down and have a long serious talk and get to the bottom of it. If he's not ready well then I know it's harsh and hard to do but you need to move on. Or if you choose to wait don't question him just let things happen. The best will always prevail in the end. Whether you get married or not. Only time will tell. Good luck! Oh and btw...isn't common law something like 7 years or more?

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