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What attracts men to little girls


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I often ask myself this question, it happened to me several times as a little girl, by 2 different men. Was it because I was shy, and hey thought I wouldn't tell?

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Was it because I was shy, and hey thought I wouldn't tell?



No it's because they are sick. It's not about you. They saw an opportunity and went with it. The trouble lies with them.

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Oh, I know it was nothing I did, I was 3 when it started. I often used to ask myself this because it always seemed to happen to me, I could always tell the dirty old men when I seen them it was like I had a second sense to these perverts.

I have carried this with me and I am 48, I don't know if I will eer get over it. The man that did this to me died 2 years ago and it may sound sick, but after he died I felt a relief, I was no longer scared of him, but I still don't like to be around older men. I don't like to be alone with them and soemtimes I will have an anxiety attack if I am left alone with one.

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I could always tell the dirty old men when I seen them it was like I had a second sense to these perverts.


Same here. There is a guy in the community that I live in. He's a coach and a dad. I have the strangest vibe about him but I don't tell anybody. I've only told a choice few of my suspicions.


One day it really wouldn't surprise me to see allegations brought against him. But maybe I'm wrong...


Anyway I'm glad my son stopped liking that sport. :)

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I too had an incident when I was young.

My dad would often say Out loud that if ANY man touched one of his girls in the wrong way, "So help me God I'll get a gun and shoot the S.O.B."

So when Dad's best friend dropped his pants and came at me I ran... And I never told... Why? Because I only knew if you kill someone you go to jail. I was protecting My Daddy.

Dad never knew that even when this "friend" came around after I would quickly make an excuse to go to my room or get in my car...

Dad passed a few years ago and "Bill" came over (I still live in the same house) He asked for my Dad... I told him he died... and he said sorry and turned. I didn't invite him in the house.

I wanted so bad to tell this old wrinkled man what fears he gave to me and ask how many other children there were he hurt?? But I was too scared he'd have a heart attack in the driveway and I just wanted him to go.

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I often ask myself this question, it happened to me several times as a little girl, by 2 different men. Was it because I was shy, and hey thought I wouldn't tell?


It was them. But please don't think we're all like that. Given what you posted you'd likely be afraid of me since I'm now in my 60s but you'd have no present reason to be.


I think that for most things, Zona has it right in her signature:


"My past is over and my present is NOW.

My future is brighter everyday.

No dark shadow will fall upon me ever again."


I know that there are always lasting effects from molestation but have you ever sought professional help to, perhaps, set aside some of your fears?

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Nice C, but I think she jetted out of here yesterday.


Came and went like a fart in the wind...




...musta seen me coming, huh!


Just a misunderstood old fart!

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Just a misunderstood old fart!


Yep it must've been you ya old perv. Do you know some guy called me a pervert when I was shopping the other day? WTF? Not only did he call me that he said "Pervert in aisle 4" and I was the only one in aisle 4.


I think he had that disease where you shout stuff out at people. Or maybe he was psychic? :p:laugh:

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I think he had that disease where you shout stuff out at people. Or maybe he was psychic? :p:laugh:


...it was a combination of Tourette Syndrome and knowing you too well.


You can run, AG, but you can't hide! :D

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...it was a combination of Tourette Syndrome and knowing you too well.


You can run, AG, but you can't hide! :D


Yes I admit it. I wear my sexuality well. ;)

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