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Question for cheaters...

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How many of you cheaters have cheated once and then learned your lesson?


If you cheated again how did it happen? If you told your spouse that you sincerely would never do it again, were you really thinking that or did you know you would cheat again?

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Only cheated once, on my first wife, because the person I married, was not the same person I dated for two years. Instantly it all became: no more sex, I want more money, I want a giant house on the beach with multiple cars, and I don't want to work anymore.


I tried quite a few things, including some counseling with her, but ultimately (about 8 months into it) I met someone and slept with them. I was 26 years old, hadn't had sex in 7 months, was filled with hate for this woman I had married and myself, and just wanted to be with someone who would show me ANY affection at all: physical or emotional.


After doing it, I felt so guilty (not that I betrayed my wife, but that I betrayed my values) that I filed for divorce 2 months later and got the hell away from this crazy b*tch. I did learn a lesson for that, and decided not date american women again (especially from southern california) as I had had several bad experiences in the past, with spoiled princess syndrome women.


8 months later I had begun dating someone absolutely fantastic (an aussie girl here on holiday) and have been happily married for 12 years now, and have never physically cheated on this woman. Granted I have had many opportunities (due to my line of work, and the amount of international travelling I do on it) but I would never do this to her, she has never been anything but magnificent to me.

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I don't know. i don't have experienced as a cheater. no idea what it would be like and what is the feeling being a cheater or cheated by spouse.


i have strong personality and i have dignity of myself; cheating is no for me.

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I cheated in my first marriage and I certainly learned my lesson.


Too painful for all involved. I will never do it again.

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