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PLEASE RESPOND Totally Confused-Is She tired of me


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Well we had the Super Bowl party and it was great. She was distant as I was too as we got everything together. During the party we both had fun and my surprise we took a few moments and she got very close with me (intimate) and told me I should be more quite on trying to figure things out and not push when she has told me what's going on with her.


But I have learned some things. I know, just recently a good friend of hers (male) has been around (last week or so). She doesn't talk about me or the our relationship with me to him (Lets say I have a way of knowing this in this internet world we live in), and mentions nothing about what she's doing with him or if he's coming over.


We also had a disscussion 3 days ago that she gets like this, moody or somewhat depreesed feeling around this time of year each year (she said she noticed it with who she dated a year go that broke off because this guy (who she dated over a year) would seem so in touch with himself and she felt she wasn't from his additude). I also found out she has been on a perscription for anti-depression since last May.


I have decided to date others and trying to meet new people. I also prefer to not discuss this with her and leave everything alone.


I know this is not the best thing to deal with but I'm trying to move on and if something can happen after this strange thing well...It's funny, we both may want something else, her maybe more than me, but we both don't seem to want to cut it off just quite yet.

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Weel she has been hanging out with her good friend and has been intimate.


Yet she still calls me up to want to see her before she left town today to go skiing.


So I called her up, and went to see her and broke it off.


I think she was caught off guard. She was going to go OK and just not want to deal with the conflict but I was calm and straight. I told her that this is not the type of relation ship I need. There are things I want to do and she wants to do. I told her I know about her stopping by her friends house (she called me in the day to tell me she will be busy packing and stuff, but wants me to drop one of her dogs off with her so she can see me before she goes out of town)


Anyway...I said that trust and honesty is very important, and while its only been 2 months, we have a right to do what we need but neither of us need to deal with the dishonesty.


I told her I will think of her and miss her. But This is not good for me. I asked her if she truly cares for me more then a friend and she said yes (I believe it)


I said goodbye, she said she doesn't believe in that.


And then she needed me to go. I think she never expected this and she fighting within herself not to deal with it.


Its a 2 1/2 hour plane ride. I hope she feels

Well we had the Super Bowl party and it was great. She was distant as I was too as we got everything together. During the party we both had fun and my surprise we took a few moments and she got very close with me (intimate) and told me I should be more quite on trying to figure things out and not push when she has told me what's going on with her. But I have learned some things. I know, just recently a good friend of hers (male) has been around (last week or so). She doesn't talk about me or the our relationship with me to him (Lets say I have a way of knowing this in this internet world we live in), and mentions nothing about what she's doing with him or if he's coming over.


We also had a disscussion 3 days ago that she gets like this, moody or somewhat depreesed feeling around this time of year each year (she said she noticed it with who she dated a year go that broke off because this guy (who she dated over a year) would seem so in touch with himself and she felt she wasn't from his additude). I also found out she has been on a perscription for anti-depression since last May. I have decided to date others and trying to meet new people. I also prefer to not discuss this with her and leave everything alone. I know this is not the best thing to deal with but I'm trying to move on and if something can happen after this strange thing well...It's funny, we both may want something else, her maybe more than me, but we both don't seem to want to cut it off just quite yet.

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Totally Confused

TL, I responded to your last posting from a week ago, so you might want to go back and read it if you haven't yet.


I think breaking things off with her was the best thing for you and your sanity. There are too many unecessary and hurtful games going on here. At this moment in time, she is not good for you and you'll be better on your own. Who knows, maybe she'll decide you were the one, maybe not, but at least you're starting to take care of yourself. Even though it hurts, it also empowers you. It will make you feel like you were able to take control and take your life back. Don't regret the decision you made...you made it for a reason and don't forget that. Everytime you start to miss or regret ending it, you have to tell yourself that you came to this decision because she was hurting you, and then you have to start focusing on the things that bothered you about the relationship like "She's self-centered", as you would always say or that she wasn't there for you when you needed someone.


Keep going the route your going and you'll be fine.

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