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Blowing off Steam

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Life has been pretty stressfull for the past few months:


Dad is in a rehab place confined to a wheelchair. He had an attack of Gillion-Baret syndrome (a nervous system condition) and now he can't walk. Luckily he has someone devoted to him who is with him everyday. He's on the east coast and I'm in Indiana.


My divorce is coming up. Just found out she has been collecting disabilty since August of '06 and lied to her lawyer about it. I just found out today. I have been paying her bills and my bills and my lawyers fees.


Layoff's are going on at work so I am check out opportunities for active duty (I'm Navy) so if I get the axe I will still have money coming in.


I am trying to find a way to relax but the hits just keep coming. Sleeping poorly, loosing weight, clenching the teeth at night, the whole bit. Sometimes I'm so pissed off I hope someone tries to mug me so I can take it out with a clear conscience.


At this point relationships are a big no-no. As you might guess. Right now emotionally I'm pretty burnt.


Fortunately I work out hard every day and eat right. This has been noticed by the ladies but I just say "I'm flattered but this is not the right time for me."


Right now I'm just focusing on keeping myself under control and praying hard and thinking logically. This will pass.

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Right now I'm just focusing on keeping myself under control and praying hard and thinking logically. This will pass.


Just keep it up and it WILL pass.


There's no big rush for a relationship, or shouldn't be. When the time's right you'll know it.

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I know it will pass,but, man, there are some days I go through in a complete fog. You get really withdrawn dealing with your own issues. I am just making plans for the future after the divorce. Most likely I will be putting in for two years of active duty orders doing what I really like. Hell is staying in a job you hate.

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Wow, that's alot of stuff on your plate all at once. I feel for you. I know I've had those times where one bad thing after the other just keep piling up. All I have to tell you is to try and keep yourself surrounded by supportive people, family, friends, etc., and know that while there will be hard times and pain, you can overcome anything. Humans are strong willed. I know eventually things will get better for you.

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How its working out....


My divorce final hearing was the 19th. Dad is relatively stable and I lost my job on the 21st.


I have a plan B for employment (back into the Navy) and get another degree. I have started putting that in motion.


In Indiana the judge takes the evidence and comes up with a decision in about a month or so. She and her lawyer were classic. Came late, angered the judge by putting my wife on the stand and trying to present one big sob story. I was on the stand maybe a total of 20 minutes. My wife was on the stand 2 hours. Every so oftern the judge would say to her, when answering a question "Yes or No Ma'am". My wife tried to turn every question into a book length response on how I done her wrong. At the end the judge looked like he wanted someone to shoot him!!


I was suprised how relatively calm I was after getting the boot. I really wanted to leave but was waffling. This is scary but exciting! I was there 16 years now its onward.

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