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Girlfriend Lied But Still....

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So, everything is really complicated. So I'm sorry if i am not enitirely clear. This entire ordeal is affecting me, so hopefully, the general public can help me out.


So, about a month ago, My girlfriend was getting hit on by one of my friends. He eventually started hanging out with him more, and one night, from what I understand, HE kissed HER. Consequently, My girlfriend got upset and told him that this kind of stuff is really bad and that can never happen again.


*NOTE* After this, She never came and told me about it. I only found out recently.


With Me??? Hope So...:confused:


Anyways, So My Girlfriend continued hanging out with him, and they still were talking and whatever. She went about her life normally and we have shared many kisses in between then. (THAT REALLY bothers me).


So, still unaware of everything that occured a month ago, my girlfriend and "friend" were hanging out this past Sunday, and he kissed her again.


So, word got to me about this from MY FRIEND...the guy that kissed her.


Weird huh, My friend knowingly kissed my girlfriend and then comes running to me acting all heroic like, saying "She's playing us Both"


So here's where it gets very complicated.


HIS STORY: All of this has happened and it was concensual, and she was going to break up with me for a while, but never did.


HER STORY: The two kisses did happen, she is sorry that she never told me, it wasn't consenual, and she never told me b/c she didnt want me to worry.


She seems remorseful..i guess.


Having all of this out, I guess what I'm asking is, What Should I Do? I told her i need time to think. But i feel really betrayed. But I Really Like and Possibly Love Her. But She Acted Like Nothing Happen All of That Month.




Anyway, any feedback is great. Sorry for mis-spellings, and i appreciate you taking the time to read this thread.



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It doesn't matter that she sounds remorseful - a lot of cheaters probably sounded remorseful after he was caught.


If you hadn't of found out, she wouldn't have told you. What do you think she would do if the situation was reversed?


I say talk it through, see where you two stand, and then decide if you would like to try again with her, but what's going to stop it from happening again? No one knows.

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She continuously was hanging out and kissing him behind your back. You never would have found out and she would have continued to make you look like a fool if he did not tell you. She does not respect you and her actions show this. If you do not respect yourself then who will?

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She thinks that by not telling you she was saving you worry? She lied to you. And she betrayed your trust, twice, did NOT come clean, and made excuses for herself. It's pathetic, and sad. I know it hurts, you care about her and all, but seriously. You know you can't trust someone who would do that. To be honest, I wouldn't trust her OR the friend. How nice of him to come clean, but to do it again? No. You don't need any of that. They both violated your trust. And I completely agree with the post by Bryanp too.

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It's so much easier to ask for forgiveness then for permission, which is the practice of those dishonest selfish and disrespectful individuals.

Ask yourself if YOU can accept those behaviors?

There are people worthy of relationships that behave otherwise.

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this kind of thing happened all the time in 7th-8th grade. she put herself back in the same position for the same thing to happen again. she wanted him to kiss her. and she's trying to blame your friend so she doesn't look bad.


lose the two-timing girl. oh, and get new friends.

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So, still unaware of everything that occured a month ago, my girlfriend and "friend" were hanging out this past Sunday, and he kissed her again.


Weird huh, My friend knowingly kissed my girlfriend and then comes running to me


To me, if it really was consensual then there would have been more than two kisses in the month.


As for the first incident, it's possible she didn't tell you cos she just thought your friend had just temporarily lost his marbles -- she did the right thing that time, telling him not to do it again -- FROM HER SIDE, that first one was more about your friend being a jerk or a moron (or both.)


I'd more want to find out her reasons for setting herself up to be in that *exact* same situation with Mr. LooseLips again. What is up with that? (Or is she just "innocent & naive" by nature?)


And I'd be reconsidering my relationship with my guy "friend" as well -- where the freak was/is his head? Even if he doesn't respect her, he obviously doesn't have YOUR back, either.

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To me, if it really was consensual then there would have been more than two kisses in the month.


As for the first incident, it's possible she didn't tell you cos she just thought your friend had just temporarily lost his marbles -- she did the right thing that time, telling him not to do it again -- FROM HER SIDE, that first one was more about your friend being a jerk or a moron (or both.)


I'd more want to find out her reasons for setting herself up to be in that *exact* same situation with Mr. LooseLips again. What is up with that? (Or is she just "innocent & naive" by nature?)


And I'd be reconsidering my relationship with my guy "friend" as well -- where the freak was/is his head? Even if he doesn't respect her, he obviously doesn't have YOUR back, either.


your innocent way of thinking is charming...but how does he know it really only happened twice anyway?

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Sorry- it sounds as if she is playing you both....and that your friend is a jerk.


There is no way that if I liked a guy I would kiss his friend- and if it happened that his friend tried to kiss me- I would never hang out with his friend again.


I may not tell my bf that his friend tried... but I certainly wouldn't put myself in a situation that might invite another move from this guy!!


Please, get yourself with a girl who has more respect for you than this.

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Weird huh, My friend knowingly kissed my girlfriend and then comes running to me acting all heroic like, saying "She's playing us Both"


Do you really want either of them in your life? Neither of them sound like their worth it.


move on, dump them both! It'll suck at first, but you'll be better in the long term.

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Dude, not consensual? If he had leapt on her, she'd have been mega pissed at him, told you and never hung out with him again. But after the 1st kiss, she kept on hanging out with him, so she cant have been too bothered! - then it happened again!


Sounds dodgy to me...!

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