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What do you consider cheating?


My boyfriend goes home from college for two weeks, and behind my back starts emailing and calling his ex girlfriend to hang out and "catch up". THis isn't the first time he has done it, and when I confront him about it, he lies about it, and if I call him on it he either acts or he really doesn't think he has done anything wrong.


I don't approve of being friends with ones exes, but I will tolerate it, as long as there are no lies involved. However, in this particular case, the ex is my semi estranged cousin, we have not spoken in years, and he is only making things worse. I'm not concerned about whether they are doing the physical things considered cheating, but I can't understand why they keep me out of things and have to do things behind my back. SHouldn't this boyfriend of mine of 3 years, be considerate enough to try to make things better between family members? And I don't understand why this boyfriend can't stand up for me.


I don't know what to do. Our relationship is good except for this one nagging problem that has been present for probably 2 of the 3 years. Why can't she just get out of his life? She only went out with him for less than half a year, and that was over 6 years ago!!


Any suggestions... And yes I have already explained to him how I feel, and nothing has changed. I feel as if I am being cheated on.

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If you feel you are being cheated on then you are. A man who does ANYTHING behind his girlfriend's back should be subject to serious scrutiny and review. I know everything else in your relationship is going fine but this is a very serious issue you're not going to be able to live with over a long period.


If this guy emails, talks to and meets with this ex behind your back...sex or no sex...I would say those things are a betrayal. How you deal with it is your business. I wouldn't trust this guy as far as I can spit.

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If it's something that would make your partner feel uncomfortable, it's cheating (when being with someone of the opposite sex).

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