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The saga continues..

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I've posted before, but it's been almost two months. I've successfully transitioned a dangerous flirtation with a married man at work to a professional yet cordial relationship. I really thought the whole thing was over and was patting myself on the back...no hurt feelings for me, him, or his wife.


Last night was our office Christmas party. He was there with his wife. Right in front of her, he was flirting like mad with me. Granted he was a little drunk, but that's no excuse. I kept him at bay. I could tell by his wife's face that she was NOT HAPPY, not that I could blame her. I would be wanting to kick him in the netherparts too! I moved so I was out of his line of sight at the dinner table, and got up to mingle as soon as dinner was over. Part of me is still fiercely attracted to him, but an even bigger part of me think he's an even BIGGER jerk!!!!


How should I handle this? I was planning on ignoring it, but I'm concerned that ignoring his behavior isn't working. Should I confront him and what should I say?

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Where do you see this going? Ideally, what do you want to happen?


I don't see a positive situation coming out of this, so why keep it up? Or do you just NEED his attention and validation? (Please tell me you didn't agree to be his wife's physician...)

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For some reason or another, he is not taking your boundaries seriously.


Not only is he disrespecting his W, but you as well.


You will have to take it down another notch evidently, as he doesn't seem to be able to even handle the "professional yet cordial" aspect.

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