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I can't read his mind

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Hello everyone.


So here's the story....short version:


I'm currently in a "relationship" with a guy I met five years ago in college. He is honestly a geniunely nice guy, and we became good friends. I saw him date other girls, and it never phased me because he was my friend. As he saw me date other guys. I even saw him go through a grueling year long relationship, where he appeared to give his all.


Soon after he ended the relationship with his ex, we began getting closer, and it was obvious that we had some sort of attraction for eachother. We immediately jumped into a "relationship" without putting a label on it....we basically just moved in together without establishing our status. it's now 2 and a half years down the line, and we're still in the same boat. Despite multiple attempts to talk to him about where we stand, he always manages to dodge a true answer and only say enough to keep me by his side. Then I'm left an emotional wreck, wondering once again. Yes, partly my fault for not putting my foot down. I definitely have a weak spot when it comes to him. Weird thing is, we get along really well, and there are no complaints from either party. We genuinely enjoy each other's company. Sometimes I wonder if he's still in this "relationship" with me because I'm an ideal mate, someone you can "bring home to mom" or if he's in it because it's convenient or if he's just dodging the commitment issue totally.


So my question basically is.....should i leave it alone?.....like they say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it?"....or should I grow a spine and TRY to confront him? If so, how can I get a real answer out of him?...not the balogna i've been hearing. I can honestly say this has been an emotional roller coaster, so hopefully you guys can help me out to find a solution to my problem....much thanks! :)

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