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"Hot and knows it" or "Hot and doesn't"?

Krytie TV

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I would prefer a woman who is hot and is confident but doesn't feel she is better than others and doesn't look down on them. I don't want a woman who uses her hotness to take advantage of others. Many people have nothing whatsoever to offer beyond looks and to me that makes unattractive. If a woman has no depth it doesn't matter if she is physically the hottest woman on the face of earth. If I wanted a woman that was just hot to look at I would get a naked statue and some vaseline. I tend to have much different taste in woman than most men anyway so I would never go for the so called hot women anyway.

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Cobra -

That's an interesting angle.


For women, it seems "hot" is more about what God gave you or didn't.

Or maybe I got that wrong?


Certainly, both genders can maximize the genetic potential by being fit, and presenting one's best face, so to speak.


Perhaps, but consider... Sarah Jessica Parker... her face looks like a foot, but for some odd reason... I find her attractive. :o


The correct term is survival of the fittest... not survival of the prettiest.


I know that deep down... what I find attractive are good survival traits.

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Perhaps, but consider... Sarah Jessica Parker... her face looks like a foot, but for some odd reason... I find her attractive. :o


The correct term is survival of the fittest... not survival of the prettiest.


I know that deep down... what I find attractive are good survival traits.


Face like a foot! LOL

Wow! I've wondered about this but you summed it up perfectly!

I've been really letting that stuff go, with work getting really hectic...

but now I have more motivation.

I'm going to start hitting the gym and tone up again, thanks Cobra!

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SJP is not my type but I can see why people would find her attractive. On the other hand Pamela Anderson and Britney Spears six years ago never did anything for me. I remember so many of my friends drooling over Britney and I laugh at them now.

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And since we're speaking of stars Johnny Depp does it for me. And Leonardo DiCaprio too. They don't seem to be all full of themselves. And it makes them so much more appealing.

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I can't judge men but what did women ever see in Russelle Crowe. He is an idiot who goes around picking fights with people and attacking hotel clerks with phones. That is what women find attractive? I must admit though he is a good actor.

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i like the harrison ford type hot - but still reserved and shy in a coy way.


i also like humphrey bogart - and of course elvis in his younger days...

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I like a girl that knows it but doesn't act cocky about it. My last gf had an insecure side and it drove me crazy. I like a girl that's confident in herself, but not cocky.

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How about a woman that doesn't really care? A conceited princess and a boiling cauldron of low self esteem are really two sides to the same coin. If a woman is too focused on her looks either way it probably means other aspects to her are underdeveloped.

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I can't judge men but what did women ever see in Russelle Crowe. He is an idiot who goes around picking fights with people and attacking hotel clerks with phones. That is what women find attractive? I must admit though he is a good actor.


He's got a natural, rugged look, and an expressive face. His eyes can look full of mischief one moment, and full of pain the next, which (rightly or wrongly) suggests depth of character and inspires a strong emotional response. Therefore the good actor aspect. His body suggests protection and procreation.


What's not to like about those looks? Hollywood has no doubt spoiled him and made him self conscious about his looks. Besides resulting in obnoxious prima-donna behaviour, his ego probably forces him to spend two hours each day massaging crushed avocado into his skin and pressing chopped cucumbers and strawberries over his eyes. Nonetheless, he still has that appearance of a man of action who has better things to do than sit around thinking about/caring whether other people consider him hot. Which is exactly what makes him so hot.

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I'd rather deal with someone who's "hot and knows it". At least you know where you stand with them. They may be spoiled, selfish, and conceited but their not hiding their-self behind a nice facade. It's the ones that come across nice but deep down their just like the "knows it" crowd. You invest time only to find out it was wasted.

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Nonetheless, he still has that appearance of a man of action who has better things to do than sit around thinking about/caring whether other people consider him hot. Which is exactly what makes him so hot.


Yes. Exactly. :)

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I prefer hot and doesn't


Me too. It actually turns me off when a guy knows he's hot and acts like it too. Call it being cocky or too much self confidence...Anyway, if the personality sucks, then the hotness really doesn't matter much.

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How about a woman that doesn't really care? A conceited princess and a boiling cauldron of low self esteem are really two sides to the same coin. If a woman is too focused on her looks either way it probably means other aspects to her are underdeveloped.


I worked with a woman like that and I tell ya, she was beautiful, but so insecure...One day when her looks fade, she will be miserable and won't have her beauty to use anymore.

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He's got a natural, rugged look, and an expressive face. His eyes can look full of mischief one moment, and full of pain the next, which (rightly or wrongly) suggests depth of character and inspires a strong emotional response. Therefore the good actor aspect. His body suggests protection and procreation.


What's not to like about those looks? Hollywood has no doubt spoiled him and made him self conscious about his looks. Besides resulting in obnoxious prima-donna behaviour, his ego probably forces him to spend two hours each day massaging crushed avocado into his skin and pressing chopped cucumbers and strawberries over his eyes. Nonetheless, he still has that appearance of a man of action who has better things to do than sit around thinking about/caring whether other people consider him hot. Which is exactly what makes him so hot.

Russell Crowe is an amazing actor. He somehow always manages to put additional depth into the characters he portrays. It makes me believe that there's more to the man, than the superficial.


What's even more strange is that I never considered him good-looking or hot until I watched The Gladiator. Something about his portrayal of Maximus, just made me want to jump him. Good scripting, acting and special effects. How can any woman resist a man of honour, personal strength and action? Note the touch of arrogance in both the actor and his role? ;)

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My whole life I have always thought I was ugly, until recently. Now I'm coming to terms with the fact that apparently, I'm pretty decent looking. At least I know I'm decent looking enough that looks aren't holding me back. I still have moments of extreme confidence and moments of extreme self-doubt. I'm hoping to level out in the area of generally just not thinking about it.

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Russelle Crowe is a very talented man who happenes to be a wretch of a person. They do exist. Phil Spector, James Brown and Axl Rose are also very talented but horrible people but I don't see too many women lusting after them.

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Russelle Crowe is a very talented man who happenes to be a wretch of a person. They do exist. Phil Spector, James Brown and Axl Rose are also very talented but horrible people but I don't see too many women lusting after them.


lol are you kidding? Axle Rose probably gets more play than anyone I can think of! hahaha... James Brown too, I'm sure, at least in their day. I don't know who the hell Phil Spector is.

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What's even more strange is that I never considered him good-looking or hot until I watched The Gladiator. Something about his portrayal of Maximus, just made me want to jump him. Good scripting, acting and special effects. How can any woman resist a man of honour, personal strength and action? Note the touch of arrogance in both the actor and his role? ;)


Is it really arrogance? I mean Maximus really backs it up... and that really smacks more of confidence!


Krytie, I apologize for starting a massive threadjack. I had no idea that mentioning a celebrity would open the floodgates! :laugh:

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And since we're speaking of stars Johnny Depp does it for me. And Leonardo DiCaprio too. They don't seem to be all full of themselves. And it makes them so much more appealing.


Leonardo DiCaprio drives a prius... they are the most self-righteous breed I can think of, lol.

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Is it really arrogance? I mean Maximus really backs it up... and that really smacks more of confidence!


Krytie, I apologize for starting a massive threadjack. I had no idea that mentioning a celebrity would open the floodgates! :laugh:

Alpha male FTW!!


I think bringing celebs in, helps people visualize what other members feel is hot.

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Leonardo DiCaprio drives a prius.


He does? See that just makes me like him more. :)


He's a role model and he knows how to work with it.



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Russell Crowe is an amazing actor. He somehow always manages to put additional depth into the characters he portrays. It makes me believe that there's more to the man, than the superficial.


What's even more strange is that I never considered him good-looking or hot until I watched The Gladiator. Something about his portrayal of Maximus, just made me want to jump him. Good scripting, acting and special effects. How can any woman resist a man of honour, personal strength and action? Note the touch of arrogance in both the actor and his role? ;)


If you like Russell, then you'll surely also like...




With Sean Bean I really can't imagine - not in a million years - that man furtively creeping into a beauty salon to get waxed, manicured and annointed with scented oils and creams. Look at his crooked teeth. Admittedly, I'm British and therefore like that kind of thing.

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If you like Russell, then you'll surely also like...




Now the difference is that with Sean Bean I really can't imagine - not in a million years - that man furtively creeping into a beauty salon to get waxed, manicured and annointed with scented oils and creams. Look at his teeth? Admittedly, I'm British and therefore like that kind of thing.

:laugh: Definitely not a metro-sexual man. I doubt he owns a pink shirt or a powder puff.


I'll admit it, he's hot!!

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