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And what good do they think announcing that to their SO will do?


Exactly. I actually did a little table turning in my younger years...I had a gf that just had to comment on every guy she thought was hot....I told her I didn't want to hear it and she blew it off as me being over sensitive.


So I gave it a few weeks for that comment to blow over...then I started commenting on other women's bodies, beautiful faces...and boy was that just not acceptable then! She started saying things like, "oh...so I bet you want to f### them don't you?"


I told her that must be what she wants to do with other guys since she was more ferocious with the oogling than I was...she sat and thought about it a bit and said..."well thats different when I do it"...LOL.


needless to say, I didn't keep her long.

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[i think you should ask him WTF is his problem with looking at every woman he walks by and then tell him he's dumped because you want a loyal man.


Good luck! :D



He doesn't look at every woman who walks by- mostly he talks about women in movies or on tv that he thinks are attractive- he doesn't go on and on about it just makes a comment that so-and-so is hot. It doesnt' bother me that my bf thinks a woman he will never meet is attractive.He gives me all kinds of compliments letting me know he thinks I"m attractive too. So not like he calls me ugly and then drools over every female that he sees. Not at all. And as far as women we do see on the street every once in awhile he will say "she's pretty" or she's hot if it is someone really breathtaking. Otherwise he doesn't comment. As for his neighbor- I ASKED him what he thought about her. (about if he would hook up with her if he was single) its not like he just blurted ou this information. I asked a simple question "should I be jealous?" because I didnt' know if this is my own insecurities (because of how he left me) that were making me jealous for no reason or if it was an actual threat.


I just can't imagine being the type of person who would demand that a guy never look at another female. I mean do you get upset or consider it disrespectful if your man looks at Playboy or watches porn? What is he thinks one of your friends is attractive and tells you this? None of this bothers me because I know the guy I"m with loves ME and him noticing the appearance of someone else isn't going to change that.


Umm, yes it is disrespectful to me as his W for him to sit and ogle naked women(porn, XXX movies). We don't watch them or buy those things, btw.

My H doesn't tell me if any of my friends are attractive because that's disrespectful to me.

I don't ogle his friends to have a reason to say his friends are cute, etc.

Why would any M couple do that?


If you have no prob with your guy appreciating what other women look like, be it someone on the street or Madonna on tv, then why do you have this thread asking if you should be upset or jealous?

Sorry, but I still don't get it. :confused:

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If you have no prob with your guy appreciating what other women look like, be it someone on the street or Madonna on tv, then why do you have this thread asking if you should be upset or jealous?

Sorry, but I still don't get it. :confused:



I don't have a problem with him making comments about women I dont know (on the street) or females he'll never ever meet (actresses etc). I was feeling jealousy over the fact that he made this comment about HIS NEIGHBOR, someone he has contact with and sees regularly (his son and her son play together) I'm not normally threatened by his comments about other women and this time was different so I was just wondering if it were a normal reaction. I don't have a problem with him watching porn and yes, I've even watched it with him before, he's never commented on any of my friends but if he did I wouldn't be bothered by it. If anyone else has concerns or it bothers them that their SO looks at other women, watches porn, makes comments about other women, I"m not saying that your way of thinking is wrong, I"m just saying I don't feel the same way that you do. Its just that I want to the be the person my bf finds the most attractive and if he really loves me he should have no problem finding me hotter/more desirable than anyone else.


This particular woman that he commented on bothers me because #1 she's not a very good person-bad mother etc and #2 I was wondering if his commenting on her looks (by the way I do find her very attractive- she has a nice body for someone who had 3 kids and she has pretty hair but she is only 2 years older than me and she looks at least 10 years older than me in the face) meant that he possibly was interested in dating her (if he wasn't with me)

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to clarify what I just said- its like this- if your SO mentioned that he thinks Pam Anderson is hot. Well some would not be offended by that because a lot of men think that Pam Anderson is hot. She is sort of a sex symbol and a lot of men and women would agree she is attractive. But just because your SO thinks she's very attractive doesn't mean his attraction to her is a threat to your relationship. He can be attracted to her and it doesn't feel that he cares about you any less. But if your SO happened to mention that a co worker is hot/sexy/attractive one might feel threatened or insecure because THIS is someone he sees or works with often and there is a chance of a friendship forming there.


I guess I am irritated because he has a hot,sexy, sweet generous, loving girlfriend at home and should appreciate her more and am bothered by the fact that he sees good in someone who doesn't deserve any compliments from him (even if the good is just regarding her looks)

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This particular woman that he commented on bothers me because #1 she's not a very good person-bad mother etc and #2 I was wondering if his commenting on her looks (by the way I do find her very attractive- she has a nice body for someone who had 3 kids and she has pretty hair but she is only 2 years older than me and she looks at least 10 years older than me in the face) meant that he possibly was interested in dating her (if he wasn't with me)


The woman my H had an A with was the same way, but what we think of other women, some anyway, may not be how our Hs/SOs think of them.

There's really nothing we can do about their views of them, other than express our own opinions, but ultimately, it's up to them to see the person for whom they really are.

Not very flattering to our men, but there it is.

I know when I found out what the xOW was and how she acted totally different to me than the nice sweet "don't bother anyone" she acted toward him, it made me think what an a*ss he was and how bad a judge of character he had.

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to clarify what I just said- its like this- if your SO mentioned that he thinks Pam Anderson is hot. Well some would not be offended by that because a lot of men think that Pam Anderson is hot. She is sort of a sex symbol and a lot of men and women would agree she is attractive. But just because your SO thinks she's very attractive doesn't mean his attraction to her is a threat to your relationship. He can be attracted to her and it doesn't feel that he cares about you any less. But if your SO happened to mention that a co worker is hot/sexy/attractive one might feel threatened or insecure because THIS is someone he sees or works with often and there is a chance of a friendship forming there.


I guess I am irritated because he has a hot,sexy, sweet generous, loving girlfriend at home and should appreciate her more and am bothered by the fact that he sees good in someone who doesn't deserve any compliments from him (even if the good is just regarding her looks)


My H thinks the actress Catherine Zeta Jones is beautiful. I don't have a prob with it because I know he doesn't stand a chance with her. LOL

Now, say, he found out she was going to be nude in a movie and he wanted to see it, then I'd have a prob. That's disrespectful to me.

I think Daniel Craig is hot but I do not want to see him nude. Fully clothed is just fine to admire, but I don't lust after him.

Yes, our men have wonderful women waitinf for them at home, who would do anything for them, but they forget that after a while, even though we don't forget what we have in our men.

In that, they're jerks. ;)

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Yes, our men have wonderful women waitinf for them at home, who would do anything for them, but they forget that after a while, even though we don't forget what we have in our men.

In that, they're jerks. ;)


Which, as I said, is yet another sign of men needing to stop wanting want they don't have and who they don't have, and pay adequate attention to their real lives, and who they DO have.

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