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In that WEIRD zone

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In a nutshell, this is what this post is about: boy (21) and I (21) know each were acquaintances for a year and then what out of the blue, over the last summer, he started to texting when we were both having a two-month long vacation in another country. Eventually, from that time on to the present (about six months now), not only did we text every single day, but he would call, visit me at work and take me out to lunch (we both pay) at least once a week.


Now, here's the glitch: this all happened when he had a girlfriend. But he would never talk about the girlfriend unless I press about her. And then, within the past two weeks, he's been telling me vaguely that they're having conflicts until eventually, last Friday, he told me that they were "on a break" and that he doesn't know whether he wants to get back with her. He said that they have different perspectives and they're not a good match. They do hang out a lot though, and he said that this worries him because it will make "breaking up" much harder.


To add to this, people around us (we have quite a small circle) have been assuming that things are going on. His sisters tell him that we're doing is quite weird for people who profess that they're friends, as do my friends. Moreover, people we don't talk to seem to get a hang that we're together and this has circulated fast. As a result, we joke with each other thinking of excuses as to why this is the case.


And even more strangely is the fact that he asks me about everything in the worlds but gets uncomfortable talking about guys I might be interested in. And when I do see some guy friends when we're together, he gives me the inquisition.


Finally, the weird thing though is that he always brings up the fact that I flirt with him or I like flirting with him, etc. I think that this is such a weird statement given that (I think) he flirts with me a lot.


All right, that's it! I would appreciate any responses.


THank you in advance!

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Well, being roughly the same age, I would say that all signs point to him being interested in you. I can't see a guy spending this much time/energy with a girl unless he has feelings for her. This whole business about being "on break" with someone, to me, always comes off as two people being too nervous to officially "break-up". I don't think a "break" is going to fix a relationship if they're not a good match in the first place.


And oh yeah, when he tells you about how much you flirt with him? That's a telltale sign. Sounds like he's trying to get you to start thinking about him in that way, so he tells you that he thinks you ALREADY treat him like that.


Here's the big question though: Do you have feelings for him?

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