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2 jobs stressing me out totally!

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i didnt know where else to post! and didnt want to join any other forums since i kinda like this one and have been a member for about a year

gonna make this as short as possible since i have to work!


anyways i have had 2 jobs for about a year now- 15 hrs a week at first job and about 12-18 hrs at 2nd

well my 2nd job just informed us that we have to up our hrs to 39 hrs a week! this started last week-and i am so stressed-i told them i couldnt do it well really no responses--when i ended working 50 hours total i told them again its killing me- i work 830am-10pm some days--i am a single mother with 1 child-so now all kinds of problems are arising not gonna whine and blah blah

carpal tunnel--weight gain stress, irregular periods high blood pressure etc, no time for nothing else in my life(not much of one anyways) but its literally about to cause me to blow!

i dont want to quit! and they probably wont fire me

i need ways to figure this out and i need opinions and ideas something

dont know who to talk to!

going crazy help

oh yeah btw both jobs invlove sitting in front of computer (eyesight getting worse!

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Is the 39 hour a week job going to increase your hours permanently or is it a seasonal thing?


If they make it full time (40 hours) and not part time would that not be better than working two part time jobs?


This may be a great opportunity in the long run??

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yeah its only for a few months but i may drop over from stress soon!

they dont offer full time work at the job i am woriking 39 hrs that why they made it "39" to be smart asses! i am constantly tryin to find ways to get off work-like oops i cut my hand, oops i fell oops.........but havent tried it yet! might tomm!

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ooh also the pay kinda sucks! $7.50 an hour versus the job i do 15 hrs a week is $8.25

i can only work part time because no daycare and school is only 8 hrs a day

few more years and i can leave her alone awhile

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Not sure what state you're in, but I'm pretty sure in California "full time" starts at 32 hours a week. The label "full time" also has different implications depending on which state you're in. If you work at least 3 months full time in CA and then get laid off, you're entitled to unemployment benefits.

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