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is first time with an older women ok.


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I'm 18 years old and have been dating a girl my age, but she's ahead one grade and is now in college. She is the only girl I've ever dated. I really lover her, but she seems to view me as more of a good friend than someone she loves. I was willing to do just about anything to win her heart. She knew this and asked a favor of me that she said she couldn't ask of anyone else. She is in college and taking an art class that she was on the verge of failing, because she missed two tests. Her teacher said she wanted to do a session on nude drawings and if my girlfriend could find a volunteer to pose twice for 200 dollars, she would wave her test requirements. At first when she asked me if I would pose, I told her no way. I've had never had any girl see me naked , and I couldn't imagine taking my cloths of in front of a class room of girls. She pleaded with me to help her out. When I saw how much it meant to her I finally agreed.


The first day she brought me to class early where I met the teacher. Her teacher told me this wasn't anything dirty or pornographic, but rather it was art, and I shouldn't feel nervous. I went through with it but felt very nervous. When some of the girls in the class started to giggle, I felt like running away but couldn't. The second day went the same as the first day until the end of class. The teacher told me to keep my cloths off and dismissed the students. After they left, she started coming on to me and started to arouse me. I felt embarrassed, but she told me to relax and she would show me the art of making love. The next thing I knew, she pulled her dress up and climbed on top of me and we had sex. I've never had an experience like that before. When it happened, I enjoyed it, but it kind of seems strange that I would have sex for the first time with an older women. She almost 40. Afterwards she told me I better get some cloths on and run off with my little girlfriend. When I came out of the building, my girlfriend was there waiting for me. She asking me what happened. I felt kind of ashamed and couldn't tell her what I did. I just told her she wanted to talk with me about modeling. My girlfriend didn't ask any more questions, but took me to a store and talked me into buying her a leather coat with the 200 dollars that I made.

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This is not to offend you at all, because you sound like a truly nice guy who really wanted to please your girlfriend, but this is one sick story. I don't know who is sicker; your girlfriend or the teacher. They are a good match; have they ever considered getting together?! But seriously, you are young, have your whole life ahead of you, and have more to offer than showing your body to a bunch of strangers (if you're uncomfortable with that), giving up your virginity (if I read you correctly) to a stranger (not even mentioning her age!), and having a girlfriend who uses you in the way you described. I agree with you; a girl does not treat someone she loves in this manner; talking him in to doing something he's uncomfortable with (that would also make most girls feel uncomfortable when dealing with someone she loves!) and then brainwashing you into spending your earnings on her! Please consider my advise and leave this girl. She is not worth it, and clearly is not acting as if she's with someone she loves. Think more of yourself than that. And this teacher is a pervert who should be reported to the Dean. Aside from the sex, any teacher who says she will waive test scores in exchange for a nude male model should be reported. Best of luck to you. I hope you plan to go to college yourself next year. You will see that there is so much out there for you than your recent experiences.

I’m 18 years old and have been dating a girl my age, but she's ahead one grade and is now in college. She is the only girl I’ve ever dated. I really lover her, but she seems to view me as more of a good friend than someone she loves. I was willing to do just about anything to win her heart. She knew this and asked a favor of me that she said she couldn’t ask of anyone else. She is in college and taking an art class that she was on the verge of failing, because she missed two tests. Her teacher said she wanted to do a session on nude drawings and if my girlfriend could find a volunteer to pose twice for 200 dollars, she would wave her test requirements. At first when she asked me if I would pose, I told her no way. I’ve had never had any girl see me naked , and I couldn’t imagine taking my cloths of in front of a class room of girls. She pleaded with me to help her out. When I saw how much it meant to her I finally agreed. The first day she brought me to class early where I met the teacher. Her teacher told me this wasn’t anything dirty or pornographic, but rather it was art, and I shouldn’t feel nervous. I went through with it but felt very nervous. When some of the girls in the class started to giggle, I felt like running away but couldn't. The second day went the same as the first day until the end of class. The teacher told me to keep my cloths off and dismissed the students. After they left, she started coming on to me and started to arouse me. I felt embarrassed, but she told me to relax and she would show me the art of making love. The next thing I knew, she pulled her dress up and climbed on top of me and we had sex. I've never had an experience like that before. When it happened, I enjoyed it, but it kind of seems strange that I would have sex for the first time with an older women. She almost 40. Afterwards she told me I better get some cloths on and run off with my little girlfriend. When I came out of the building, my girlfriend was there waiting for me. She asking me what happened. I felt kind of ashamed and couldn’t tell her what I did. I just told her she wanted to talk with me about modeling. My girlfriend didn’t ask any more questions, but took me to a store and talked me into buying her a leather coat with the 200 dollars that I made.
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I have to disagree with you here. First there is nothing wrong with having sex with an older woman. She has no doubt had experiences that she was willing to share with a younger student and he should not feel guilty for enjoying it. Second, this "older woman" is not sick for wanting and enjoying some fun with a younger guy. A lot of women hit their sexual peak around 40, yet guys that age are trailing off. Going after a younger guy may meet her desires while allowing a younger guy to experience sex for the first time. Third, as far as his girlfriend goes, can you blame her for trying to get her grades up. She just needed the help of a friend to get a bit of extra credit to cover what she lacked in test scores and he was willing to help her out. As far as spending his earned money on her, don't forget, if it weren't for his girlfriend, he would not have been able to make 200 dollars in just two sittings. Assuming a class is an hour long, thats 100 dollars an hour. She was only asking him to buy him a gift that cost him no more than two hours of work. Finally, as far as telling the dean, haven't you heard you should never kiss and tell. No sense in getting your first love in trouble.

This is not to offend you at all, because you sound like a truly nice guy who really wanted to please your girlfriend, but this is one sick story. I don't know who is sicker; your girlfriend or the teacher. They are a good match; have they ever considered getting together?! But seriously, you are young, have your whole life ahead of you, and have more to offer than showing your body to a bunch of strangers (if you're uncomfortable with that), giving up your virginity (if I read you correctly) to a stranger (not even mentioning her age!), and having a girlfriend who uses you in the way you described. I agree with you; a girl does not treat someone she loves in this manner; talking him in to doing something he's uncomfortable with (that would also make most girls feel uncomfortable when dealing with someone she loves!) and then brainwashing you into spending your earnings on her! Please consider my advise and leave this girl. She is not worth it, and clearly is not acting as if she's with someone she loves. Think more of yourself than that. And this teacher is a pervert who should be reported to the Dean. Aside from the sex, any teacher who says she will waive test scores in exchange for a nude male model should be reported. Best of luck to you. I hope you plan to go to college yourself next year. You will see that there is so much out there for you than your recent experiences.


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Did you miss the theme of Jason's posting, the fact that he is clearly uncomfortable with what happened?! Let me clarify myself, that is what bothers me more than anything. If he was comfortable with it, then no problem (except that the teacher still behaved unethically and in my opinion, is still a pervert. You don't go having sex with your student's boyfriend, especially on work time!) Once again, if you reread my message, I think you'll see that my strong convictions against this situation are a result of Jason's clear discomfort with this situation. How can there be nothing wrong with what happened when he is clearly feeling miserable about it?!

I have to disagree with you here. First there is nothing wrong with having sex with an older woman. She has no doubt had experiences that she was willing to share with a younger student and he should not feel guilty for enjoying it. Second, this "older woman" is not sick for wanting and enjoying some fun with a younger guy. A lot of women hit their sexual peak around 40, yet guys that age are trailing off. Going after a younger guy may meet her desires while allowing a younger guy to experience sex for the first time. Third, as far as his girlfriend goes, can you blame her for trying to get her grades up. She just needed the help of a friend to get a bit of extra credit to cover what she lacked in test scores and he was willing to help her out. As far as spending his earned money on her, don't forget, if it weren't for his girlfriend, he would not have been able to make 200 dollars in just two sittings. Assuming a class is an hour long, thats 100 dollars an hour. She was only asking him to buy him a gift that cost him no more than two hours of work. Finally, as far as telling the dean, haven't you heard you should never kiss and tell. No sense in getting your first love in trouble.
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I agree completely. If this had been a female model with a male teacher, it would be considered sexual assault, wouldn't it? She would have run out and told her boyfriend, some sort of police action would have been taken.


Men are sexually assaulted as well. Often with comparable frequency to that of women. The problem is that the majority of men never reveal the trauma. Younger boys who are sexually assaulted by older women (even as young as 10 or 11) will often simply chalk up the trauma and discomfort to being a man and following the idea that men should score.


I'm suspicious because it was an older woman in a position of relative power over a subordinate younger man. Of course, sexual assault is about power. She knew he was invovled with one of her students. That in and of itself is unethical.


So I say no. It's not ok.

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