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My husband cheated

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I would like to know when your husband cheats on you and, then lies for years but I know he did by my doctor. He has now told me not by his choice but more I demanded answers but I don't feel in my heart he has told the full truth. We have been married for 19 years and been together almost 24. I am so hurt and angry and, feel like nothing if anyone can help me please let me know? Also it is long story and, I stood by him when he needed me.



Thank You


T Bear

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i'm sorry to hear that. no one deserves to dedicate 24 years of their life to another who lives a life of lies and betrayal. i think it takes an extremely selfish person to do that to another.

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What heppend, did you confront him and he lied oe what.....need more details....sorry sometimes hard to relive, but we have to know to help you:)

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I know it must be extremely painful for you. My wife of ten years cheated on me and it took a while for me to get over it... I got over her fine, but the pain still lingers.


So what is the deal? Are the two of you going to work it out? I know it is hard, especially since he can't be honest.

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