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Trying to aid a girl I like.

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Well here's a story, kind of interesting...


There's this girl I like, and I have some information that she might like me back. But then all of a sudden, this random guy (kind of mentally ill), keeps hugging the girl I like in front of me and she feels very uncomfortable and is trying to avoid him. Is there something I can say to the other guy that will make the girl I like comfortable, or just let it happen?

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Tell her it seems to you that this guy's attention makes her uncomfortable (bonus points: you are sensitive to her feelings and at the same time you don't just jump to conclusions about what she *may* be feeling.)


Then ask her if she'd like you to do anything and what she thinks would be appropriate for you to do (bonus points: you respect that *she* knows what she needs and you value her input at resolving her problems. EDITED TO ADD: and you're willing to help her if/when she needs it.)

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