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He Mentioned His Ex.......


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Hi everyone, this is my first posting so please bear with me as I share a little history prior to posing my question.


I have been seeing (I don't think I shall call it 'dating') this individual for approximately 5 months now. He is a very laid back individual who enjoys spending time with me (watching movies, talking, playing with my dog). Normally we see each other 4 - 5 days throughout the week. We get along great, no feuds or arguments (just my pouting at times :p).


Anyway, to get to my question, last night we were having a discussion, and he was sharing thoughts on his life as it is right now. He currently is on a tight budget because he is saving money to purchase a home (and doesn't waste any money). So needless to say, even though we spend a lot of time together, we've only been out on a date (to a movie) once.


So back to the discussion....he states he feels as if though something is missing in his life. So we discuss a few things....and during the conversation, he mentions..."I don't know....I've always been in a relationship" (he's been in a 3 , 4, and 5 year relationship) "and normally when I come home, I'm either at her place or she's at my place...so I've never really been alone...and it's different....Maybe I'm talking to much...I don't know...but like, my EX-GIRLFRIEND WHO I HAD THE LONGEST RELATIONSHIP WITH IS MOVING HERE".


WOW! I was a complete lost, and somewhat disappointed. We've had conversations before, where he has told me I was rude for constantly referring to my ex in various conversations. I took notice of it, and stopped. However, that entire statement (above) kinda made me think a bit (hopefully not too much). I asked him, and he said, "Oh, it's nothing. I didn't mean anything by it. We talk every now and then".


But the comment made me feel very uneasy. I don't think I'm overreacting. I just don't understand the reason for even mentioning the ex-girlfriend moving to our city, in the same conversation as you never being alone.


Perhaps I should just be on guard, and protect my heart!!


Please kindly assist with reasoning!!!!



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If he didn't mean anything by it, why bring it up? He didn't like when you talked about your ex's but it's okay for him to do so? That isn't fair.


As for the girl, do you know if she's moving to your city for career reasons, or personal? Either way, your guy seems to have quite a bit of baggage from his relationship with her still. Maybe he feels threatened that she's moving closer? I really can't tell from your post. I need more clues. ;):p


But I don't think you have anything to worry about.

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