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Should I risk a friendship? I do Love her.


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Should I risk my friendship with my best friend to see if there might be any chance of us being more involved?


We have known each other since we were in preschool and now we're all grown up and college grads with jobs. We live a little over 2 hours away, which is a problem, but my sister and her family lives in the same town so I do make it there more often. I have gone down a few times in the last few months to see the kids at my sisters house, and to see this girl. I take her out to a stellar dinner and we have a fabulous evening each time. Its like I remember dating, but we're best friends...we usually just end the evening rather late each time and I go off to my sisters house for the night and get a hug and a peck on the cheek from this girl.


We know more about each other than anyone else. We share all of our secrets with each other. We have some of the same friends. Our parents are good acquaintances, and in some instances you could say our moms are friends. She's said I should come with her and her sister on a cruise later in the spring, but I don't know what she means. Is this just because she loves spending time with me as a friend?


Of course I over analyze everything we do now because I have re-sparked my interest for her. She's single right now and I hate it whenever she's in a relationship. I try and ignore my feelings and hope for the best for her even when she is in a relationship. I want the best for her even if it isn't with me (which kills me to say).


I actually feel that we could recover quite easily even if I were to bring this up, but I don't want to deal with the rejection from her.


We say we love each other when we see one another and on the phone. We talk at least once or twice a week to each other and I try to see her at least once if not two or three times a month. Since we are friends, this is ok for now. If things were to change of course I would see her more.


I am terribly attracted to her. I don't think I'm as attractive though on the outside. I know that its inside of me thats golden. She deserves a Brad Pitt because she is an Angelina Jolie. I'm no Brad Pitt though.


Should I pursue this more?

Should I drop this?

I don't know what to do. I need help with figuring that out.


I don't want to lose my best friend, but I also don't want to lose the chance to win a person I would be happy spending the rest of my life with. If I had to guess, her answer would be no, but things have been great every time I see her and I think she gets the hint that I do love her in more than just friends, but I'm not 100% sure of that.


Help. If you need any more information to form an opinion or to give me advice, just let me know. I'd happily give more. Thank you all for your advice in advance.

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I actually feel that we could recover quite easily even if I were to bring this up, but I don't want to deal with the rejection from her.


Rejection is a part of life. You need to learn how to deal with it. Are you going to go cry in a corner everytime somebody turns you down? NO. You're going to go out there and give it your damn best shot. If they don't want a flippin' fantastic guy like you, then you'll find someone else who does!


I'm no Brad Pitt though.

And you never will be, so quit trying to compare yourself to him.


I personally think you have no hope in hell because you've known each other forever (you're like brother and sister), but I say get out there and ask her anyway. You could use another rejection under you belt.

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