semperfi221 Posted June 8, 2003 Share Posted June 8, 2003 well hello i'm new, and i'm here for some help, me and my ex were dating just over a year, and things recently feel apart, there were many reasons in her bag of tricks why she didn't want to be with me anymore, actually many, she told me that she had fallen out of love with me many moths ago, we did argue alot but about minor things, some of her reasons were that i wasent good in bed, then she told me that all of her orgasms were fake, the she said that i was stupid and whiny, the only reason she said these things was to upset me, we broke up two days after our one year togeather, and i miss her so much it hurts, i pictured my life togeather with her and in the the begining everything was great, whe she told me she had fallen out of love with me i asked her why and still to this day she keeps beating arond the bush with stupid anwsers, she shows no emotion about it and tells me it was justified, i tell her i miss her and she says so, and just recently her and i went to a movie after we broke up, and on the way home stripped all of her cloths of and want me to have sex with her, i dont understand why she is doing this to me, i'm torn in like 50 directions, does she still love me, or is she trying to make me miss her even, more. Last week we had a fight about her friend greg, greg is clinicaly suisidal, she told greg everything about me and her, she talk to him about all of her problems I think he played a big part in us breaking up, i always told her that i wanted to work our problems out, but it fell on def ears , i told her that her friend was a sympath case and that the only reason that he was doing this was to get attention, she was so mad at me that she cut up all the roses i had bought her for our one year, and the ones i gave her for her birthday 3 days later, and on the bithday car was written **** you, also included wass the promiss ring that i had bought her, I miss her so much and i cant stop thinking about her i wish i could because all i want is things to be the way hey were in they wer when we first started Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly06 Posted June 8, 2003 Share Posted June 8, 2003 I am having problems u can see...I already posted a thread. I think you should move on. I know its hard but everyones gotta do it. The best thing to do is stay away from her. Time will ease your pain. =) Hope I helped! Link to post Share on other sites
semperfi221 Posted June 8, 2003 Share Posted June 8, 2003 oh and lets not forget that i asked her if she was seeing someone else and she said her and her friend dan were daiting and she said maby, i'm so hurt Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly06 Posted June 8, 2003 Share Posted June 8, 2003 Okay...since u brought that up...go out to a single bar or something and find u someone new! U might actually have fun!! If she is goin to rub it ur face....give her a taste of her own medicine! Link to post Share on other sites
semperfi221 Posted June 8, 2003 Share Posted June 8, 2003 She said that she might be dating him, i'm so jelous of her, i love her so much please all i want is her Link to post Share on other sites
Tony T Posted June 8, 2003 Share Posted June 8, 2003 The greatest love you can show any person is to let them go when the express a desire to do so. Binding another person in chains only pisses them off and is cruel. Rejoice in the love you had, heal, and look forward to a greater love in the future. Link to post Share on other sites
semperfi221 Posted June 8, 2003 Share Posted June 8, 2003 I know part of her still want me because of the sex thing, after the movies Link to post Share on other sites
Moxy Posted June 9, 2003 Share Posted June 9, 2003 Ask yourself if you truly believe that you deserve this bad treatment she has bestowed on you.The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior,and if you truly feel you deserve her,I suggest you do some major sould searching as to why you think so little of yourself to continue subjecting yourself to this obvious heartbreak.The answeres you search for are within your heart and instinct,listen carefully,as they will rarely steer you the wrong way.As for "jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire",give yourself time to forgive as well as heal.A watched pot never boils,so take the time to do things you enjoy,things that will make you happy whether or not you are involved in a relationship .You have to be happy with and by yourself before you can make anyone else happy! Take care and the best of luck to you,sincerely,MoxyP:S: I'm female,been there and done that,trust me! Link to post Share on other sites
ThisGirlNameKD Posted June 9, 2003 Share Posted June 9, 2003 Just because a person has sex with you or wants to have sex with you doesn't mean that they love you or that they want to be with you for that matter. That may be flattering to you that she does after she told you you weren't good it bed. That may have been true, it may have been a lie. But why would you want to have sex with someone who doesn't love you and told you she wants to move on? The truth is things will not be the same as they use to be no matter how hard you wish for it to happen. Just because she doesn't want you or feel you weren't sexually satisfying to her doesn't mean someone else won't want you, and you very well please them sexually. If you truly feel you have alot to offer a women, you'd spend it on someone who was more deserving. Link to post Share on other sites
semperfi221 Posted June 14, 2003 Share Posted June 14, 2003 I am dating dan now. sorry if that bothers you. But he is GREAT to me and i can honestly say i love him already. so i hope you have gotten over me, and its over mike. for good. im not trying to be a bitch or anything, but its time you moved on. ok? ok. just thought id let you know that Link to post Share on other sites
semperfi221 Posted June 14, 2003 Share Posted June 14, 2003 she keeps doing these things to me The above message Link to post Share on other sites
sexyrunwaymodel1 Posted April 8, 2004 Share Posted April 8, 2004 look that is pull crap that she is doing that to you no one should have to go through that she is only doing that to u because she knows that she has u wraped around her finger and will do anything that u say so if she pulls that crap again act like u dont want to or u dont care just back off and trust me she will notice that and wonder why u dont care any more and maybe shell come running back to u but dont fall for it love is a harsh thing and trust me if u guys get back together it wont be the same it will be all games and pain i know i have been going through alot to when my ex left me i have a post to but time will heal u trust me and just give it all to god he will take care of u he never leaves anyone unhappy maybe thats not the girl he has for u just think god has a beautiful sweet girl way better then her out there for u just be patient and pray ull heal i know so i hope this works and i hope everything works out for the best remember dont let her know u miss her play hard to get... Link to post Share on other sites
amerikajin Posted April 8, 2004 Share Posted April 8, 2004 >>>I miss her so much and i cant stop thinking about her i wish i could because all i want is things to be the way hey were in they wer when we first started<<< Semperfi, you should only love someone if they love you back. This ex of yours doesn't love you, so you shouldn't spend any of your time worrying about it. The relationship's dead. You have to start taking more pride in yourself. No man who prides himself would take even half the cr@p you have from her. Arguments and disagreements are one thing; but out and out disrespect is something that should never be tolerated. Her telling you that you're no good in bed....a woman with class would never say such a thing to her man. Not to mention her saying that you're whiney and rubbing it in your face that she's dating someone else. She has no class, and I'm wondering why you can't get over her. I think the reason you can't get over her is because a part of you somehow feels that you need her. You should never enter a relationship based on a need for someone. Relationships aren't built upon need, they're built on respect. Respect yourself, and others will begin to respect you. Link to post Share on other sites
daretodream80 Posted April 27, 2004 Share Posted April 27, 2004 I know how you feel.. I broke up with my boyfriend a few months ago because not only was he abusive, but he was unwilling to work. I loved him alot-- or atleast i thought i did.. there was a time when all i wanted was didnt matter if i was homeless or cold or even hungry-- as long as i had him i was happy. i am having fun being single now.. not that i dont miss being in a relationship.. my advice to you would be to just hang it there.. i know its exteremly cliche, but time DOES heal all wounds.. you have got to keep ur mind off of her and move and have fun with other people... you'll always care for her.. i know that i will always care for my ex boyfriend.... Link to post Share on other sites
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