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Ahh my head is spinning.

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Okay so my story is a little long so please bear with me.


Last October I found out that I was pregnant. It wasn't that big of a surprise. Since we did have unprotected sex twice. And I'm not trying to put this one one person because I firmly believe in the saying "it takes two". Anyway. I was going to college and working full time. This guy had a job pushing carts at Fry's. Not judging him here. But he had no goals in life. He'd be happy living on his mommy couch and pushing carts till he was 90 years old plus...


He asked me to get an abortion.


Then around Christmas time he took me to this place that had a giant Christmas tree. And proposed to me there. I wasn't really in love with the guy. But I went along with it since I thought it would be best for the baby.


Two weeks later he disappeared to California.


I was 7 months pregnant when I met this guy from plentyoffish.com


We talked for a few weeks and decided to meet. He was amazing I feel head over heals for this guy. He was there when my son was born. We've been dating for 7 months. My family just loves him!


Last week he told me that he was in a relationship with a girl for 2 1/2 years and that he just broke up with her. Yes, that means he was dating and screwing around with her the whole time we were together.


Part of it is my fault. I had never gone to his house or asked him any questions really. Or meet his family so I guess I always knew in the back of my head something wasn't right.


I feel like our whole relationship is based on a goddamn lie.


Anyway he says that this will never happen again. And that he tried to leave her several times. Part of me feels a little differently since he didn't exactly go and meet someone while he was dating me but who knows right?


I forgive him.


But I can't seem to put it behind me I'm constantly worrying...


But I feel like since I've been cheated on so many times (in previous relationships) that I'm not going to trust easy anyway so I might as well give this a chance.


So...what do you all think?

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If he really wanted to leave her he would have. Its been 7 months now, and he knew what he was doing was wrong but kept doing it. And how can youb e sure that he really did it? I say this is bad news for you and that you should take time to be by yourself and you baby right now

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That really suxs..let me say sorry before anything. No girl deserves that type of treatment!!


Ive been cheated on by my current boyfriend, by his ex. He said he still loved and needed to figure out who he wanted to be with cuase he loved me too. Well luckily things worked out in my favor and we've been together for a year and 3 months but there are those times where Im afraid he might be lying to me. And when i confront him about it, he gets really upset cause hes tried everything to make up what he did and I know he has, but I still worry at times.


He was lying to you in the time you were dating but he was there when you were having your child..that seems like he cared. If he says hes tried leaving her maybe hes telling the truth. I think you need to sit with him and have a serious conversation about the future and how he feels about you and taking on the responsibility of a child. His reaction should tell you everything. And most importantly, listen to your heart :) And do whats best for your child also.

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Yeah. I realize that but I also know that everyone makes mistakes. True I don't know everything that goes on in his life. But he did invite me to his family's Christmas party and I talked to his mom who I'm very excited to meet.

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We have talked about this a lot. And when It comes the time to talk about it before hand I always know what I'm going to say but then when I sit down to talk about it I find myself lost for words! :X helpp

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I'm the same way, I always know what I want to say and when it comes time for it, I never know what to say.



There came a point where the things I needed to say were so important I ended up writing them on paper and reading it as I was talking to him. But I did it over the phone..but when we talked in person, he would bring those things up and It made it easier for me to talk about it!

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