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Signs of flirting?

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I work with a woman who I think likes me. I told a friend about this and he asked me why I thought she liked me. I told him that she just does little things that I pick up on that gives me that impression. When asked for examples I told him that 1.she sticks out her tongue at me in a playful way when she walks by 2. Sometimes when she walks by and I look at her she will pucker up her lips and 3. when she and I talk and joke a lot of times she will somewhat stick her tongue out when she laughs. She only does this around me though. My friend said he had seen a show about body language and that these were unconcious signs of desire. I am curious if that is true or not?

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Probably true.

I think the strongest sense we have is instinct. If you have a feeling she likes you- she probably does. At least she has sexual interest.... I don't flirt like that if I am not attracted to someone.

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