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My Friend Billy

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He died today, about 9 A.M.


He was only 48. Died of brain cancer?


He was my firend, my most dearest friend! He amongst people and individuals I've meet? Most unique?


He never frowned, he was never down? He was was always on the up! Everytime you saw him? He was on the up-stroke, always on the "up-beat" side of life! In all the time I've known him? He never had a bad word to say about anyone? Always on the positive side of life? Always! Best of friends with everyone ~ even his four ex-wifes! The only friend Billy didn't have? Was the one he hadn't meet yet! :p


For some reason? He was always trying to feed me his Moma's or ex-wife's cooking or trying to give me something he thought I needed or had to have?


Bill? Bill taught me that most people are about as happy as they make their minds up to be? Bill? Bill taught me that you've got to make a choice? Each and everyday? Get your Happy Ass busy living? Or get busy dying?


Bill? Bill taught me to quit being so damn angry and PO'd with Life and the people in it! To just laugh ~ that you've got to laugh sometimes ~ just to keep from crying!


Bill? Bill taught me to live life to its top! To its fullest! Bill taught me "get over it" and to "just let it go"

~ that lifes too short!


Bill taught me to wave and smile at everybody ~ "But by the grace of God? There go I!"


I'd write more, but can't see through the tears in my eyes~

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I'm sorry for your loss Gunny. :(


You were lucky to know him though. Think about all the people in this world. Out of all of them you were in the right place at the right time to have him in your life. That just makes you lucky.


You're in my thoughts. XO

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I'm sorry, Gunny. It sounds like you had a wonderful friend, and what he taught you will always keep him alive in your heart and mind.

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Gunny, I'm sorry for your loss. I know how you feel... I just lost my mother 5 days ago and I am still trying hard to cope with my loss.


It is a trying time for you as you were very close and your friend, Billy was a great friend to you and everyone else... take your time to grieve over your loss.



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I'm sorry to hear this Gunny. At least you knew that Billy lived every day of his life as he wanted. It's like he knew and made the choice to be happy, during his time here.

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Just realized I actually posted in the wrong section? Billy and and I were tight? But not in the sense that the sub-caption suggests this forumn suggesst. I just saw the word "friends" and posted?


But yea, Bill was pretty unique. Never heard him say a bad word about anyone, nor heard anyone say a bad word about him. Waved and smiled at everyone ~ always laughing ~ always cutting up ~ always got something going. One of those people that come into your life ~ and when they're gone? Your like "DAMN!"


No matter what happened to him, what he went through ~ he never let it get him down, was always putting others before himself ~ even to the end. Would give you the shirt off his back, the shoes off his feet. Even requested that he be cremated so his 12 year daughter could get the maximum bang from his life insurance!


People like that are few and far between.


In light of his life and my having knowing him? I've been seriously re-thinkning my life. My priorties, my perspective, my attitude toward people and life in general.


Life really is to shorrt? Just too short? I've come to realize that I've been going through life with a chip on my shoulder ~ just daring someone to knock it off. And its cost me in personal or the potential for personal relationships.


Bill got me the job I've got now ~ and before that I was working a dead-end, go-no-where, "whatever" job. He a long with many of you here at LS have taught me something that Life's been trying to get across my very thick skull ~ civility and respect ~ for any and all human beings. But for the "grace of God ~ there go I!"


Thanks for the comments~

Edited by Gunny376
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Gunny, don't you go and lose that irreverent side to you. This is the same side that can withstand adversity and laugh, the same side that throws up the finger, at the morons you meet in life. The side that makes Privates quiver in fear. That's our LS Gunny. :love:

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Gunny, don't you go and lose that irreverent side to you. This is the same side that can withstand adversity and laugh, the same side that throws up the finger, at the morons you meet in life. The side that makes Privates quiver in fear. That's our LS Gunny. :love:


I won't TBF! I just took a bighit! It Hurt lossin Bill! Its hard find people that give everything ~ but ask nothing from you? People like you Lady Jane, and other LShackers!




I'm going to miss him relieving from second shift?


Apprecite the good people in your life!

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