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Dumped by Fiance

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About three days ago, my fiance of five months dumped me. He recently told me it was a mistake because he wanted security before he went to Iraq.


He was activated but never got deployed. Now that he has his life back, he wants nothing to do with me. He regrets being engaged to me and tells me he is in love with his ex-girlfriend. His ex has never been out of his life, she has left harassing emails and phone calls to me. I knew he was still talking to her but I chose to ignore it.


I feel like such an idiot because I was showing off my new ring and my new fiance. Now, all I have is heartache and disbelief all at once. I haven't told anybody what has happened. My family keeps asking me where he is but I keep lying because I am so embarrassed of what I did. I always jump into something new.

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Maybe now you've learned not to jump into things, particularly engagements. You had to have known somehow that his heart wasn't into this. I hope you will be doubly careful the next time somebody pops the question.


Meanwhile, tell your parents and all interested parties the engagement is off and tell them why. This guy shouldn't be allowed to get of scott free for making a fool out of you for using you for his own selfish purposes.


Nothing is wasted if a lesson is learned.

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Believe it or not, you ex fiance did you a huge favor that some day in time, when it doesn't hurt as much, you will come to appreciated. You maybe hurting now, but better it is to learn he's not the one right now than to go through the process of spending money and time one a wedding that's built on a lie, and ending up in divorce because he suddenly discovers then that he's still in love with his ex. He did nothing but made room for the right man to come into your life. So take the time the grieve, I'm by no means saying that you shouldn't. Love lost hurts period, even if it's for the best. But also concentrate on what you've gain from this. Don't let hurt of pride stop you from telling you family.

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ThisgirlKD is pretty smart... "He did nothing but made room for the right man to come into your life."


That says it all!

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i know how u feel i got dumped by my fiancee 2 months ago.


she said she wasent ready 4 it all and in 24 hours my life went down the drain had 2 move back in with my parents emaberrsed and depressed.


everyone laughing at me i nearly killed myself 2 times cause of it all.


know i have found out that she is engaged again bout 2 months after me which has done my confidece a world of good NOT!!!

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  • 9 months later...

i know how you feel i was the dumper. i date my fiance for three years. Right before we were to get married i got cold feet. i didn't think i wanted him anymore, i broke his heart. two month later after talking once in a while i realize that i did want to be with him. but it was to late and now he wants nothing to do with me. It's the worst feeling ever knowing that it was my fault. I don't know if i truly miss him or a relationship. I question my action everyday.

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