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Friends...but I want more.

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I met a woman at a club where she was a bartender. We had casual conversation for several months when I would go in after work. Eventually, she left that job, and I thought I'd never see her again. She showed up at the same club and told me where her new job was, and invited me over to see her there (bartender for a different club). I ended up tutoring her through a couple of her classes, and proofreading papers for her other classes. We began to spend a lot of time together. We seem to have very similar interests in many areas. I was always invited to house warming parties, birthday celebrations, and we went with a couple of other friends to plays and other events. After about 18 months of knowing her, I suddenly felt like I wanted more with her than just the friendship. It always seems that as soon as I tell someone I like them romantically, I risk the friendship. I feel our we have the friendship and we have respect, we just haven't reached the passion. I would prefer responses that are coming from experience in this arena. Any ideas? Suggestions? Do I say something, or continue to just show it to see if things develop further?

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Can't really help you here cause I'm in the same boat. Except the girl I'm into already has a BF which makes things doubly worse.


But I'd say nothing ventured nothing gained. Yes it's possible that you'd lose her as a friend, for a while. But you have so much more to gain.


Invite her out for drinks, just the two of you, build up a little liquid courage and let her know how you feel.


It's just like taking off a band-aid. Just do it in one quick motion and the pain will be temporary. And just think of how good you'll feel having told her and getting the weight off your chest.

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