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Cant stay friends

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To all the women on here, is it offensive to be told by a guy that your good friends with that he cant stay friends with you because he is attracted to you and wants to date you (but you dont)? How would you react? Would you get annoyed or would you understand and end it nicely with him?

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If any woman gets annoyed, they have an issue. I'd say a feeling of disappointment is understandable, and if they cared about you as a friend, they'd understand and let you go. Quite often in these situations, a friendship is possible to resume several months later, just not at the same one-on-one intensity as before.


In my opinion, the only caring thing is to give the attached/attracted person space.

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If any woman gets annoyed, they have an issue. I'd say a feeling of disappointment is understandable, and if they cared about you as a friend, they'd understand and let you go. Quite often in these situations, a friendship is possible to resume several months later, just not at the same one-on-one intensity as before.


In my opinion, the only caring thing is to give the attached/attracted person space.


ditto to the umpteenth

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and what if she doesnt say anything? is that a sign that she doesnt really give a crap? If it was me I'd at least say say something like "its ok I understand, let me know if you change your mind though".

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To all the women on here, is it offensive to be told by a guy that your good friends with that he cant stay friends with you because he is attracted to you and wants to date you (but you dont)? How would you react? Would you get annoyed or would you understand and end it nicely with him?

Seems to me that it's not up to the woman to end it nicely with him, since it's his problem, not hers. Overall, if a man were to that, it should easily be understood, as long as it's discussed, instead of a friend disappearing.


I would hope that the reverse holds true.

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i agree. give the guy space. i know, this just happend to me. i developed feelings for my friend (although she did flirt back, and at times we kissed). the dude just has to get rid of all intension of being more than friends, and yes either supress the feelings or find some other women to get over thier friend.

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I'm a guy so you may consider my opinion worthless. Sounds to me as if he may be saying he's worried about getting too attached to you, which would in turn be a polite way of saying he doesn't want to see you again. Alternatively, he may be saying he's been lusting after you, you've been rebuffing him, and he can't take the frustration any longer. Either way, it seems he is departing unless you want to tell him why you like him and why you want him around.

Edited by dunstable
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To all the women on here, is it offensive to be told by a guy that your good friends with that he cant stay friends with you because he is attracted to you and wants to date you (but you dont)? How would you react? Would you get annoyed or would you understand and end it nicely with him?


I thought about telling one of my friends exactly this just recently. She suddenly dropped off the face of the earth so I never had to, but the reason was that it was too painful to be around her. I honestly wanted to say to her. "I can't hang out with you anymore because I love you. I'll see you around..."

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