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bf's cheating friend

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My bf and I broke up about 3 months ago (oct) and got back together recently. He left me to date his ex from yrs ago. He is trying to earn my trust and so far other than a few little bumps in the road things are pretty good. I"m still somewhat insecure over our break up (and the reasons for it) although he did NOT cheat on me. I'm not sure if that was because of him or his ex. Anyhow he is in his early 30's and he has 3 close friends who he works with. two are a few yrs older than him - one has kids (as he does) and both of them are married. The one had his wife leave him last year for another man but they worked things out and are back together. These aren't the two guys who concern me. My bf hangs out with this other guy who is 25 yrs old I'll call him Jon. I've hung out with jon and my bf and he is a fun guy. He's funny and cool to talk to. My bf will sometimes go to a bar with jon or once in awhile to a party with him. I don't care for bars so I rarely go.


Should I be concerned if my bf's friend has basically no respect for women or at least a pretty f**ked up sense of morals? Jon is a guy who is NEVER faithful to anyone. he was dating this girl for about a year and a half and proclaimed his love for her to everyone. yet he would go out and cheat on her constantly and tell all his buddies about it. No one ever told her. She actually moved six hours to be with him and he still cheated on her every chance he got. She moved away (not related to his infidelity) and he mourned her loss to this day. She got pregnant by another guy and he offered to take care of her and the baby. She may move back with him.


Yet while he was making these promises he was seeing another woman. The other woman had no idea about him and his ex. Now he is dating a new girl. He claims she is the love of his life and he does all these wonderful sweet things for her. (I have never met any of his girlfriends except the first one I mentioned) They have been dating for about five months and he talks about how great she is all the time. She is beautiful. sweet funny etc. He acts like he is totally in love with her. Yet he calls his most recent ex up for booty calls and last weekend he drove 13 hours to GA to have sex with some girl he met on the internet!!!!


My bf says thats just the way he is and that Jon has never been faithful to anyone. He was actually planning to propose to the ex who now has a child (not his).


I wish my bf hung out with his married friends more but they are usually too busy doing family things. So Jon, being single is one of his work buddies who has spare time. Should I be concerned that his behavior may "rub off" on my bf? or that my bf might start thinking this type of behavior is acceptable? Its "funny" because Jon will NOT tolerate any woman he dates cheating on him or lying to him but he has NO problem deceiving and cheating on these women he claims to love. I would think the best thing for him would be to just have open relationships but I"ve asked him about that and he said he couldn't stand anyone he's dating to be sleeping with anyone else! What a ***!


I dont' think many guys care about the morals of their friends but should I be worried that my bf might start thinking this behaviour is acceptable?

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