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I HATE his christmas present


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You know in hindsight I realize how ridiculous I was being. I was never pre occupied with what the gift was I just in all honesty was expecting something more "romantic" but you know I was wrong, he WAS being romantic just in HIS way, which is different from mine.


Anyhow, I was ungreatful and a brat, I really was. I really big-time overanalyzed. If it helps anyone feel a little more hopeful I came to this conclusion on my own before coming here tonight but thankyou all for your feedback. He really is the most wonderful kind and sweet great guy I could ever hope to meet, shame on me for being such a dumb stupid idiot. Immature bigtime on my part.


P.s- I loved the parfume - touche ;):love:

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You know in hindsight I realize how ridiculous I was being.

P.s- I loved the parfume - touche ;):love:


YEAH!!! :bunny: Who knew perfume has the power to be such an absolutely wonderful and growth-inspiring gift?!?!? I *love* presents like that, too :love:


Don't you just gotta love when the Universe is so goshdarned kind and, well...decent? Congrats to MLDG, and all the people who supported her to this higher level of insight and appreciation -- you guys ROCK!!!

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Perfume is A GREAT gift and super romantic in my books, then again I LOOOOVE perfume, TOTALLY love it and have expensive taste. I think it is ultra feminine and a super sexy gift especially if it comes from your man.


As Marylin Monroe used to say "To bed I like to wear nothing more than two dabs of perfume" now THAT'S sexy!


If you think about it perfume is the prelude to many big things, including how we come to this world, attraction breeds children. ;)


On a side note: my dad got me a box of garbage bags for Christmas one year. Yup you read right! He was getting them for free from his work and they were the super sturdy "good" kind and we all got them as stocking stuffers. I was the first to open the gift you should have seen my face trying to hold back the shock and thinking it was a joke at first and then trying to hold back from bursting out in laughter. I couldn't make eye contact with my syblings because we were going to explode in laughter. But you know something? that was one of my bestest fond memories of our Chrsitmas togther, sitting around opening gifts and having a great time with my family. It wasn't that long ago too... :laugh::laugh:

Anyway my dad is my hero he may not think with his head straight about gifts at times but he is a true hero in my books.


Men are funny and practical and you gotta love them for that.

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Perfume is A GREAT gift and super romantic in my books, then again I LOOOOVE perfume, TOTALLY love it and have expensive taste. I think it is ultra feminine and a super sexy gift especially if it comes from your man.


Amen! I've received perfume only from BF's who had serious intentions toward me... God that sounds so snotty!! Let me rephrase - the gift of perfume was their way of showing their serious intentions towards me. Interestingly, the perfumes they selected were meaningful to THEM. One was in the name ('Eternity'). Another was the female "For Women" version of the male cologne that he wore.


Either way, I totally dug it!!, even though I wasn't too thrilled with the actual way it smelled.

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What is with some people? It is a CHRISTMAS present. He doesn't owe you ANYTHING. If he decided to give you perfume, accept it as the present it is. If you think your present was so much better, don't put any effort in next year. Whatever. It is a present. He went to the trouble of choosing it and buying it for you. If you want anything in particular, buy it for yourself. Be glad you have someone to spend Christmas with, quite alot of people don't.


Well said!

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At first I was thinking: "I hope this guy is sitting there saying: 'I spent all that time and money finding that perfume, and all she does is paint me a damn picture?!?!??'"


But.... since you said you were over-reacting and actually do like the perfume, you've redeemed yourself. :D

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Now to flip this the other way. ;)


The one Christmas present I treasure, is the portrait of my deceased grandmother that my ex-H did for me, without my knowledge. It was just before she passed away.


He's an excellent amateur photographer so he set up a photoshoot and shot the most sensitive pic of her, life, kindness and laughter lines, engraved onto her beautiful face. It was the essence of who she was. I can almost touch her when I look at it.


I will always treasure this picture, above all.

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Now to flip this the other way. ;)


The one Christmas present I treasure, is the portrait of my deceased grandmother that my ex-H did for me, without my knowledge. It was just before she passed away.


He's an excellent amateur photographer so he set up a photoshoot and shot the most sensitive pic of her, life, kindness and laughter lines, engraved onto her beautiful face. It was the essence of who she was. I can almost touch her when I look at it.


I will always treasure this picture, above all.


See, that would be amazing! :love: I think it completely depends on the interpretation though. Is it an obviously blatant, or does it have a hidden meaning that only the people involved could delight in? You're looking at both in that photo. Obviously, it's your grandmother. Means a helluva lot more than that to you though, doesn't it?


Perfume is just too difficult. Almost too intimate for me. Most women I know are so picky about what scent they wear, that I'd be too afraid of screwing up. :o


It really depends on how he went about it. It takes a bit of patience and consideration to sit there and sample scents until you find one that you like that sits apart from the rest. Or he could've just taken an opinion from the first woman he saw and went with it....

Edited by Saxis
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THE THRONE says to stop complaining. There are MILLIONS of people who didn't get anything for xmas. MILLIONS of CHILDREN went hungry and had to spend the night in the cold and rain, but here you are complaining about getting a bottle of perfume.

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See, that would be amazing! :love: I think it completely depends on the interpretation though. Is it an obviously blatant, or does it have a hidden meaning that only the people involved could delight in? You're looking at both in that photo. Obviously, it's your grandmother. Means a helluva lot more than that to you though, doesn't it?
Yes, it does have more meaning. My ex tended towards giving jewelry, perfume and other material things, not that I disliked any of it. He's always had good taste.


This was the one time that he created, instead of bought.


I can't and won't criticize him for any of this, since it's how I work too.

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Darlin coco.... I couldn't have said it better. I just know too many people who are hung up on getting a "good" Christmas present. I think those people are the one's who are thoughtless. Christmas isn't even about getting gifts.


Mylovegrowsdeeper.... Maybe he didn't know what to get you. Many guys are bad in this area. My brother always sends me to do his Christmas shopping because he has no clue on what to get. .... Just as an example. My advice would be to just move on and forgive him, not let a bottle of perfume get in the way of your relationship.

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