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how do i initiate contact

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i met this guy over the summer, but neither of us wanted a long-term relationship so nothing ever really happened. The last time we spoke was in July, and he's been out of sight, out of mind. We had a great connection when we were together, it was just the wrong time for us. Now, I'm going to be living in the same city with him for the next five months. He's crept back into mind, and I was thinking it would be nice to see if we could reconnect. My question is, how do I go about instigating contact once again? What do i say to him? I'd be happy with just friendship, though something romantic would be nice. It just seems to me that we connected so well that it would be a shame to let him slip away.


so please, what are some ways that I could reestablish contact with him? He's pretty shy and quiet, which complicates things...



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