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Why dont you just start smoking cigarettes instead


I tried that once actually. After one of my obsessions with someone, I was going crazy and took over smoking (that I never smoked before). It was really scary because the last thing I wanted was to become a smoker and I started craving for those things.


But, it all ended one night. I bought a pack of cigarettes and went to camp at the top of a hill, in the park, looking at the moon and I smoked the whole pack almost.. and I puked. Since then, I can't even stand the smell of cigarettes.


Youre just one of those people who dont hold weight well, so why dig yourself in a hole if you're so fascinated with "love"


Well, is just that I don't think I'll ever love anyone again.


Plus you have an adorable personality and Im sure you'll find love if you go through personals or something like that.


I don't have an adorable personality nothing. Is like Denver guy ruined me. My mother says "you hate everybody." I think she's right.

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Yes, my son took the GED and passed it easily. He was not dumb, he just didn't like getting up and going to school. He missed so many days that he failed 11th grade. While he still could have graduated on time with his classmates by working hard and making up the English and Math classes, he chose the easier way out. He has not been to any schools since he left high school. He now works full time at a job he enjoys very much, but it took fatherhood to really straighten him out. You grow up quick when you have a child looking to you for their every need.


My daughter has no plans for furthering her education either.


As far as weight, I am thinest when I am miserable and not in love. Food repulse me when I am unhappy, and much like you, love brings me happiness to a large degree. I certainly have time to exercise, I just don't have the motivation. I also have some form of arthritis that makes certain exercises painful. I can't do push ups or pull ups because my hands and wrists are afflicted with the pain of arthritis. I tried running for a short time but gave up when my shins ached, even though runners told me that continuing to run would strengthen my shins. I just couldn't get past the pain, though. There are still many exercises I could do, though.


Yes, we did get the house. We moved in just before Thanksgiving and it is very nice to have a new home. We are very happy, and I do consider myself fortunate to have found such a fulfilling love. We met years ago through mutual friends, but our paths went in different directions and different relationships until our stars finally aligned. My family is happy, and my life is very good.


It wasn't until I had truly resigned myself to a life of loneliness that I found all I had been looking for. I was, however, open to the idea that love could happen, just not so sure it would. The man before this one had my spirit beaten down pretty badly. I wasn't sure I could trust my own judgment after that one.


If you don't mind me asking, what is your height and weight currently? I bet you are well within desirable range, and maybe even hard on yourself concerning your appearance. I am 5'5" and weigh 140 lbs. Not obese by any standards, but not as attractive as I would like to be. I know it is completely within my power to change things, though. I just have to find that internal motivation to do something about it, and the motivation is becoming stronger.:)

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Hi again,


I also have some form of arthritis that makes certain exercises painful..


I found walking to be the best. I even quit the gym because it was just too exhausting. I think they do it on purpose; boot camp classes so that people won't go.


Yes, we did get the house. We moved in just before Thanksgiving and it is very nice to have a new home. We are very happy, and I do consider myself fortunate to have found such a fulfilling love.


Yeah... Lucky.


It wasn't until I had truly resigned myself to a life of loneliness that I found all I had been looking for.


I'm resigned and probably will remain so for the rest of my life.


If you don't mind me asking, what is your height and weight currently?


I'm 5'2" and in that picture that I posted before (this) I was about 145 lbs which is much for my height, but I thought I looked ok.


After that I tried my best to eat low cal, small portions, exercise 3 to 4 times a week, and little by little I started piling up weight again.


After a while I started thinking that it was hopeless so I'd just have my days of eating everything I wanted, go to restaurants, order any meal, drink eggnog etc :(


When my mom came in Oct I was already 158 lbs and looked like this.


And with the stress of starting a new job, etc, last time I weighed myself I was over 160, and now I'm afraid to step on that scale. I'm totally chubby.


The only thing that helps somewhat is that I don't eat at work the whole day, except for a small lunch. And I've been starting walking in the employee park, but I'm not consistent with that or with the strict diet to get back in shape.


I am 5'5" and weigh 140 lbs. Not obese by any standards, but not as attractive as I would like to be.


I think that's just fine.


I know it is completely within my power to change things, though. I just have to find that internal motivation to do something about it.


Yes, is all about motivation.

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Girl! You carry weight well! I'm lucky in that respect, too, it goes a little of everywhere instead of all to my butt or gut.


Honestly, both of the photos are very attractive. Yes, I can see a bit more weight in the second, but the clothing is looser, too. I guess I noticed more fullness in your face, but I do not look at you and see chubby. That first pic I would have guessed your weight at maybe 115 knowing your height. You have good genes. Your mom is very attractive, too.


Maybe it's best to settle into your new job before worrying too much about weight loss. It sounds like stress is a motivator to eating for you (it is for many.) Feeling your son doesn't have any direction can't be helping either and probably adds to your stress.


I'm not suggesting totally indulging in food in the meantime, just being kind to yourself and knowing that once things are more settled that the weight can be concentrated.


Then we just gotta find you some love, and the weight will just fall off!:)

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Thank you. Yes, I guess I distribute evenly. But I'm bigger than that second picture now, and I'm having a hard time finding clothes to wear to work that are not too tight and that I can move in.


I really don't want to buy a new wardrobe so, we'll see.


Maybe it's best to settle into your new job before worrying too much about weight loss.


You know, I thought that too. I was focused on getting things rolling and pretty much didn't care about weight. It was, my boss is not going to like me less for this, and I don't care to date anyway.


Then we just gotta find you some love, and the weight will just fall off!:)




Later.. :)

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burning 4 revenge

You look curvy and sensuous in the first pic. Maybe a little overweigh in the second, but not too bad. I dont know about all the pink though.


But you have a really unique and interesting personality. Perhaps a bit overly romantic sometimes, but I know others like you and your fixated on just one guy and I guess thats ok. I still dont think you should give up just yet, but thats just me.

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Yes, is all about motivation.


I know of a dressing room with 3 way mirrors and bright as the sun lighting that should give you all the motivation you can handle.


Consistency is the big thing. Everyday. You have to make it something to look forward to rather then something that feels like work.


A nice walk everyday will make a difference. Mentally and physically.

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I know of a dressing room with 3 way mirrors and bright as the sun lighting that should give you all the motivation you can handle.



I know a lot of dressing rooms like that. I swear I think they do it on purpose.


The only motivation they give me is to eat more.


I so understand what Ariadne means.


I too turn to comfort mood ...


What can you do if there's no one around to comfort you?


Post on LS I guess!:)

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You look curvy and sensuous in the first pic. Maybe a little overweigh in the second, but not too bad. I dont know about all the pink though.


Thanks. We had gone to mass that day.

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A nice walk everyday will make a difference. Mentally and physically.


I know, I like it too. Is nice to take a break from the office and go outside.

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What can you do if there's no one around to comfort you? Post on LS I guess!:)


Only LS and chocolate. I :love: LS. So cool.

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It also helps me being motivated to work out because a month ago I started seeing a guy, the first time I felt butterflies since my last ex & I broke up a year and a half ago... Good luck!


Sorry I had missed this post.


Thank you, and good luck with the new guy.

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I think you look fine Ariadne.


You live in the sunshine state- do you like walking etc? I know everyone drives everywhere in LA, but if I lived near the beach i would go for a walk on it every day- put on my ipod and just walk.

I walk about an hour a day, to and from work and everywhere else because WB and I don't have a car, and it keeps me in shape, and I can pretty much eat what I want within reason. I am 141lbs and 5'7".

I am not a big fan of junk food though except for chocolate.........


Am PMing you with some info you might find interesting.

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Hey thanks.


You live in the sunshine state- do you like walking etc? I know everyone drives everywhere in LA, but if I lived near the beach i would go for a walk on it every day- put on my ipod and just walk.


This is the funny thing. People think of California from the movies, California surfing, Baywatch or something...


Ok, reality check: I spend three hours a "day" in this freeway (the 405) that looks just like that pic all the way to work. Just yesterday it was raining and it took me 2 hours to get home in a 30 mile stretch.


When I'm not in the freeway, I spend 8 to 9 hours in a cubicle with no windows. (Like in the movie Office Space).


So I'm lucky if I get to see the sun even at lunch time in the employee park.


If I didn't have to go to work, even living in LA, just from my house to the beach is a one hour drive! Is a luxury to even be at the beach.


So yeah, I think you have to live in another country for what you suggest. Where things are not so complicated.


I walk about an hour a day, to and from work and everywhere else because WB and I don't have a car, and it keeps me in shape, and I can pretty much eat what I want within reason.


I'm a huge fan of walking, but if I don't do it every single day, I end up gaining weight. I gain weight just like that, unfortunately.


I am 141lbs and 5'7". I am not a big fan of junk food though except for chocolate.........


You must look great.


Am PMing you with some info you might find interesting.


Thank you, I got it.

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That highway looks depressing.


Maybe you could put up a picture of something outdoors in your cube.


Walking is great. The fastest way I lost weight was walking 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening. Combined with alot of water intake. It took under 2 months. Once you see an improvement it could motivate you further???


This could be a fun new project for you.


Train like Rocky. :D

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This is the funny thing. People think of California from the movies, California surfing, Baywatch or something...


Ok, reality check: I spend three hours a "day" in this freeway (the 405) that looks just like that pic all the way to work. Just yesterday it was raining and it took me 2 hours to get home in a 30 mile stretch.


When I'm not in the freeway, I spend 8 to 9 hours in a cubicle with no windows. (Like in the movie Office Space).


So I'm lucky if I get to see the sun even at lunch time in the employee park.


If I didn't have to go to work, even living in LA, just from my house to the beach is a one hour drive! Is a luxury to even be at the beach.


I'm a huge fan of walking, but if I don't do it every single day, I end up gaining weight. I gain weight just like that, unfortunately.


I had a feeling you might say that. :( That freeway pic looks :sick:. Living by the beach is expensive in most countries these days.


Maybe you should get a dog. Then you would have to walk every day AND you would have somebody to love, and who would love you back. Or do dogwalking in your spare time? Then what would LS do though huh? ;)


Thanks for the compliment- I am still no twiglet, and I like red wine too! I have to be quite careful, I think if I stopped walking to work I would definitely gain weight quite quickly.

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That highway looks depressing.


It's absolutely depressing and grinding. I love to see the rain, and I was thinking as I drove home, this is not what I meant. All I could see were the red lights of the cars in front of me stopping and the freeway not moving.


Every day like that. I get home after 7pm every day, and my son is home alone all day. :(


Maybe you could put up a picture of something outdoors in your cube.


My cubicle is all zen'd out. Just yesterday someone stood at the door and said, it feels so peaceful. I pasted scenery posters all around, put crystal stones, three plants, portraits, everything I could think of. So is not too bad now.


Walking is great. The fastest way I lost weight was walking 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening. Combined with alot of water intake.


Cool. You are motivated it seems.


Train like Rocky. :D


Sigh... later you.

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Maybe you should get a dog. Then you would have to walk every day AND you would have somebody to love, and who would love you back. Or do dogwalking in your spare time?


Oh, I don't think that would work in my one bedroom apt ($1,000 a month here btw). They don't allow dogs.


I love dogs though. :love:

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Oh, I don't think that would work in my one bedroom apt ($1,000 a month here btw). They don't allow dogs.


I love dogs though. :love:




Where does your son sleep? Rent is expensive there huh.

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Where does your son sleep? Rent is expensive there huh.


I don't have time for that, I get home at night.


My apt is ghetto. I have my bed in the middle of the living room, so is some sort of bedroom with a sofa too and plants etc. (pic) (pic)


I gave the bedroom for my son.


What can you do...

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Your apartment is beautiful, Ariadne. You have a great eye for decorating. It looks so clean and peaceful.

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Your apartment is beautiful, Ariadne. You have a great eye for decorating. It looks so clean and peaceful.


Thank you Story.

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Ok you guys,


Since I'm kind of inspired now, I put a whole bunch of pictures in an album in my profile, myspace style, if you care to see.



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Thanks for sharing a small part of you with us. You are a lovely girl and your smile is stunning! Somehow, looking at you, felt so familiar, as if I've known you for a long time. Must be the warm vibes you send out. You are so lucky to have such a nice family. Your son looks like a boy to be proud of --and so handsome too.


And, I must say, you really know how to pick out the good - looking ones, don't you? :)

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