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Is This Guy Flirting With Me? . =[

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Well, I'm 14, gay, and really suspect that one of my friends is trying to crack on to me.


I've known this guy since year 7, but I've only been actually hanging with him outside of school for about six months. He also knows that I'm gay.


When we hang out it almost seems as if he flirts with me. Like, we always playfight, but in a really non-violent way. Or we do this thing where he rocks backwards and forwards on the spot bumping into me, so I bump him back and he bumps me back while we tease eachother (playfully). Or he rests his foot on mine, and I push it back off. So he pushes it down harder... I'm almost certain there's a precise name for that, I just can't think of it at the moment...


And last week he invited me over to his place, and we had to go to a friend of his parent's place for dinner, and we had to watch a movie with all these little kids. The room was really dark, and we were sitting next to each other. He was sitting really close to me, and kept resting his foot on mine. And whenever an adult came into the room he would sit further away from me and take his foot off of mine, but as soon as they left he'd move back on.


But whenever the topic of sexuality comes up he always maintains that he's totally straight. But most of the time it seems like he's over compensating, like instead of just saying 'Yeah, I'm straight' he'll say 'Hell yeah I'm straight! I'm the straightest guy ever LOL. No one could ever break me.'


Seems a tad weird to me.


Not to mention if someone was that straight, you'd think they would be kinda repulsed by me. And if not that, atleast repulsed by what he was doing with me.


I mean, when he comes over to my place we sleep in the same bed with very little clothing on. And he knows that I'm gay. And he's also very aware that I think he's hot. And he doesn't get creeped out by it at all. We even playfight with very little clothing on. It just doesn't seem like the sort of thing the world's straightest man would be doing, ya know? =P


All I want to know is whether You all here think that he's flirting with me. And if so, what I should do about it. He's an amazing guy. Really nice, witty, cute. Just everything and anything that I could possibly ask for in a person. So if he is in the closet... I'd really hate to miss out on being with him. If you get what I mean.


I don't want to miss any oppurtunities I guess. Help, please? =/

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Citizen Erased

I wouldn't be able to tell if he is gay or not, but he sure is curious hon!


Okay, pretty much the only way you are ever going to know what is going on is if you ask him straight out what he thinks he is doing. List all the things to him, and explain that if he has no intentions towards you then he should back off.


The fact that he sleeps in the same bed as you is quite odd for a straight guy, and there are a few other indications from what you have posted. But you really do need to chat with him about it. Better you confront him about this now then let it build up, only to have him hurt you later on ;)


Good luck hon :)


Oh and btw I would suggest you take out the link to your myspace, just for some privacy reasons ;) Other then that nice to see another Aussie on here!

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Yeah, lol. You're probably right. I'm going to have to say something soon. Chances are that he needs a bit of a nudge as far as coming out goes.


Thanks for the tip on the myspace thing too by the way, lol. ;)

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Good God, he sounds gayer than you, and you readily admit it!


I wouldn't discuss it with him, since he sounds like the type who even after bottoming for you would still insist he wasn't gay. He's so no out, yet so OBVIOUSLY queer, that I think you need to make a move on him. Next time you are cuddling in bed, reach over and start giving him a handjob. I am sure he will be receptive... ;)

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Citizen Erased
Good God, he sounds gayer than you, and you readily admit it!


I wouldn't discuss it with him, since he sounds like the type who even after bottoming for you would still insist he wasn't gay. He's so no out, yet so OBVIOUSLY queer, that I think you need to make a move on him. Next time you are cuddling in bed, reach over and start giving him a handjob. I am sure he will be receptive... ;)


This is far better advice then mine ;):p

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