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I have a problem...My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year now, before we started dating he pursued me for a year, but I saw him as more of a best friend...a month ago we took the plunge and moved in together. The first week was alright, but now it is awful. He won't help me clean the house do laundry or anything else and I really don't know what to do. I can't nag him because it doesn't work. I can't ask him to do it because he gets mad, and I am sick of being a housewife at the age of 20. To top it all off. He gets mad at me for every little petty thing. For example, this weekend he asked what I was doing Saturday morning and I told him about my plans to go to my art teachers gallery and he got not outright pissed but snappy and when I asked him why he wanted to know he just said Never mind, which btw seems to be his typical response these days. I don't know what to do, I think that he was mad because if I go out on Saturday it means that I need my car. But I don't understand why he is getting mad about it after all it is my car and I am the one paying for everything on it not him. I really would appreciate any help that anyone could give me.



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20 years old and you're already an "old hausfrau"??? Life holds more for you, my dear, than being a slave to this guy. You're slaving away doing all the work and he has the nerve to get mad at you for every petty thing? This guy sounds like he has control issues and if you stay with him you will end up under his control and not know how to get out of it. I say RUN now - there's someone out there who will appreciate you a lot more.

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Hello dear unknown,


You live together with this man ? I find it quite disturbing that a woman of your age should become a help-in-the-house when everyone of your age tries to make the best of his/her career. If you were a mother, I'd tell you to behave as you are doing now. Because children need a caring person. But you are not a mother and you are certainly not a slave ! So, make this clear to your boyfriend. And when he doesn't understand your point, then why should you be willing to understand any of his ideas.


Jan (a man)

I have a problem...My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year now, before we started dating he pursued me for a year, but I saw him as more of a best friend...a month ago we took the plunge and moved in together. The first week was alright, but now it is awful. He won't help me clean the house do laundry or anything else and I really don't know what to do. I can't nag him because it doesn't work. I can't ask him to do it because he gets mad, and I am sick of being a housewife at the age of 20. To top it all off. He gets mad at me for every little petty thing. For example, this weekend he asked what I was doing Saturday morning and I told him about my plans to go to my art teachers gallery and he got not outright pissed but snappy and when I asked him why he wanted to know he just said Never mind, which btw seems to be his typical response these days. I don't know what to do, I think that he was mad because if I go out on Saturday it means that I need my car. But I don't understand why he is getting mad about it after all it is my car and I am the one paying for everything on it not him. I really would appreciate any help that anyone could give me. Thanks!
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Honey know your worth more than a piece of equipment to be someones slave. Somebody bought you with a priceless tag- his blood.


Compose yourself now and now and do what a wise girl will do - take off as fast as you can. You know theres one out there who will appreciate you as a person not a slave and take you at your worth - preceious. Your a jewel honey in Gods eyes, precious, beautiful, intelligent and whole. You can start a fresh, a new just compose yourself and get a life on your own.


Value yourself from today and know God is with you now to see you begin a new life. He will give you beauty for ashes.


Love you dear



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Sylvia, this guy is a jerk, he is the type that gives men bad reps... i totally with every one else. cut and run///

20 years old and you're already an "old hausfrau"??? Life holds more for you, my dear, than being a slave to this guy. You're slaving away doing all the work and he has the nerve to get mad at you for every petty thing? This guy sounds like he has control issues and if you stay with him you will end up under his control and not know how to get out of it. I say RUN now - there's someone out there who will appreciate you a lot more.
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