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Does he like me or is he teasing me????


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Ok, I met this new guy at work. He introduced himself to me and ever since then, we talk alll the time and get along really well. Thing is, he knows i think hes cute. He'll smile at me alot and is usually always flirting or talking with me in some way. The occasional thing like poking my sides, or throwing stuff at me, just jokin' around.The thing that gets me is that, he'll suggest we do something and asks for my number but then he never calls. I was just wondering, do u think hes teasing me or might he actually like me? Should i make a move?[font=arial][/font][color=blue][/color]

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If he knows you like him, yet asks for your number and never calls, he is being cruel. Before you make a move of anykind, ask him why he's asked for your number but never calls. Why should you go out of your way to take the lead and make a fool out of yourself?


If this guy is a MAN, yet he doesn't go for someone he likes, then there's something wrong somewhere....like maybe there's another female in the picture somewhere...part of the picture you're not seeing.


Get to the bottom of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel that your subject line to this forum is exactly what this guy is doing to you... But these test(s) of confusion, etc. might just be a way to gain your attention... in that he's too shy to ask you out,etc.


Maybe he's had previous relationships or whatever and they have turned to a pure melt-down... Now, that he sees you often (work) he doesn't want to make the same mistakes as once did before.. But in this process he's confusing you of what's really in his head.


Have you played along with his "games" per se, or have you ignored them?? Perhaps if you have played along, he senses that you are into him as well. But if you have ignored him.. 'hopefully' he'll get the point and leave you alone...


Best of luck,

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