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Donote money to friend's religious organization?

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Recently, I received a letter in the mail about my friend from high school, who I haven't seen in five years. I've talked to her maybe 3 times since I graduated highschool and I get maybe two or three emails a year from her.


She recently left her job and moved across country to become a Young Life counselor. She sent a generic letter telling me about her religious experiences.....that they pay her a monthly stipend...and they provide room and board. Yet, she still has to raise 5 grand. The letter basically asked for donations for her fundraising.


I usually buy candy bars and girl scout cookies. But, it's for her, a 25 year old, to have fun at camp and not to help children or the needy.


Should I donote? Keep in mind, I am currently unemployed and financially strained right now.

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Nope. In fact I think its quite rude of her to ask. If you want to continue a friendship with her I'd send a nice letter saying congrats on finding God or Allah or whomever.


Sounds a little cultish to me...

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If you had a few extra bucks, I'd say go ahead and give them. But if you're basically broke, why the hell would you be concerned about donating money to her cause. That's pretty goofy!

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