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Will the affair haunt me forever?


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Joseph's letter is a great way for the unfaithful spouse to put him/herself in the shoes of his/her betrayed spouse and gain empathy and understanding. But as far as rebuilding the marriage is concerned, BOTH spouse must be committed to learn how to forgive one another and themselves (often the toughtest of the two) as well as becoming totally honest and transparent (affairs are born and maintained from secrecy, lies and deception). A marriage will not be able to transcend the affair if both spouses do not become emotionally healthy through forgiveness.

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the hold up on showing it to her?


I don't know, it's almost like I hate to bring it up. I don't know whats wrong with me.

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I don't know, it's almost like I hate to bring it up. I don't know whats wrong with me.



You don`t have to bring it up. Just lay it out where she will see it. The side of her bed perhaps?

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You don`t have to bring it up. Just lay it out where she will see it. The side of her bed perhaps?


In the past when she works nights I would give a folder with articles I had printed off the internet for her to read when things got slow at work. She would read them and write comments in the margins and when we got time we would go over them. Most of the articles were on infidelity and cheating. I haven't done this in quite some time. I now have a new folder with a few things on relationships that she will be getting for tomorrow night. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks

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