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i dont know if i am being paranoid or not.


My b/f of three years bought a new toliet seat cover and it was laying there for awhile. Meanwhile--in the three years that i have been with him--he has never really straighted up anything(like placing the pillows nice, organizing clutter on the table so it doesnt look completely horrible)..and he was off the other day from work and he said he wants to get a lot done such as go to the mechanic for the car, do something at his mother's house and he even said i think i will come back here and straighten up and put that new seat on, its just been laying there


he dropped me off at home that morning so i can go to work--he called me a few hours later(which he hardly calls that early--only once in awhile)..it was about 10:30 or so and he was still at his place and we talked while he left and he was in the car driving to his mother's house..eventually he said ok im here, talk to you later..around 1:40 i call and no answer--he finally calls back at 4:20 or so saying i left my phone at home while waiting at the mechanic place..he was busy and so i went to eat and then still had to wait around..he said he could have went home to get his phone and call the place back later but he didnt want to go back and forth and he didnt think it would take so long(the place is only 15 minutes away from where he lives)..but i guess at 4 something he finally decided to go back and then go back to the mechanic place at 5 again..and it was finally done within a half hour.


i get to his place..and the place looks more straightedn up than i have ever seen him do before which made me feel suspicious he had another girl over or something..the table with papers was more organized, trash was thrown out, pillows looked ok, the teddy bear i gave him was placed nicely..it made me think maybe he invited a girl over..(there are some who would go there knowing the guy has a g.f)


am i being paranoid?

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well a guy can't do 2 things at once, and he really can't do 3 things at once. he was either out and about or at his place cleaning up, if he had a girl over would he really have had enough time to clean up that much?

i'm quite a paranoid person too, and i'm always trying to figure out if time is adding up. placing that teddy bear shows that you matter to him, when he put it there he thought of you, if he was cheating he probably would have stopped displaying it or any trace of you.

i don't think he was up to anything. i'm not saying to ignore your feelings, keep an eye out for anything else suspicious. however, i have noticed that guys go through periods of being very ambitious and cleaning and getting a lot of work done. it's usually in a little burst and you don't know why they are acting that way. my bf does that sometimes, he just goes on a homework and cleaning spree about once a month. when a guy is really busy it can be suspicious, but sometimes he really is just busy!

i've also found that guys just don't think it's important to talk about all the errands they do. it's not that they're hiding it, it's just that they don't think it needs to be shared or it's something embarrassing. he could have had other things to do, like go to the bank (and didn't want to bring it up for whatever reason) or had a doctor's appointment (what guy wants to show weakness?) it could have been that he was doing something for his mother (some guys care for their mothers a lot but don't like to be seen as mama's boys)

just remember all the errands that you do that you omit from telling him just because you don't feel like sharing or explaining. i hope this has made you less paranoid, i with i could think logically when i'm in the middle of a paranoid moment, but at least i can give advice while i'm calm. if he continues to act differently then keep a lookout, but he doesn't seem to be doing anything out of line.

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Sungrl, he had time on his hands waiting for the car work, and decided to straighten up the pad a bit (you didn't say it was spotless) for his efforts he gets another mega-dose of paranoid behavior.


A few months ago it was a clean shirt on the backseat of his car. Do you realize if he read your threads here on LS, and became aware of how wierd you were, he'd probably tie a rocket to his tail and blast out of your life!


Throughout all your threads, your descriptions of him make him sound like a great guy, sensitive, who loves you much. You keep sounding like a totally mal-adjusted, super paranoid harpie.


How about just relaxing with your great guy before you drive him to Alaska, or South China?

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well that was a kind reply...


paranoia is like depression, or social anxiety. a lot of people feel it and it can come and go, usually it's caused by some stressful events in your life. it doesn't makes you crazy or weird or a bad person. if it takes hold of you then you can get to the point of not doing anything other than worrying, depressed people feel equally out of control in their lives. Once you remove yourself from stress you are able to think clearly again.

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Spotty, you need to understand that two months ago it was a fresh shirt on the back seat of his car... three threads about how she was sure he was cheating because he took a clean shirt to work with him.. she called his clients and harrassed them, got her friends to do the same, there was no end to it.

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You mean to tell me he cleaned? How dare he!!! He MUST be cheating....*note sarcastic tone*


You need some serious counseling. IF my husband cleaned our home like that, I probably would be a little happier....and calling his clients...are you aware you could get him FIRED???? Or even worse...sued for breaking confidentiality laws?

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Add this one to your new thread, the one about a boys night out.


Are you paranoid? Oh yes....

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My b/f of three years bought a new toliet seat cover and it was laying there for awhile. Meanwhile--in the three years that i have been with him--he has never really straighted up anything(like placing the pillows nice, organizing clutter on the table so it doesnt look completely horrible)..and he was off the other day from work and he said he wants to get a lot done such as go to the mechanic for the car, do something at his mother's house and he even said i think i will come back here and straighten up and put that new seat on

^^^^ He told you beforehand he's plans for the day - he would clean/straighten up he's place - so why are you paranoid? He managed to do it.

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Yes, you are being paranoid. I would be so happy if my boyfriend cleaned up. I think it's time for me to get me one of those...

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I think every girl wants a cleaning man :laugh:


Yes, every girl wants that and I hope to find a boyfriend that is also a cleaning man! :p

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