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feed very sad today


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My mom plays lot of drama and made my life miserable. I stopped talking to her about 2 months back after getting sick of accusations about either me or my wife. (http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t131819/)


My father plays along with my mother. I cannot understand why they dont feel guilty for list of things they have done. How can they do it to me? I cared for them, I was there for them everytime when they needed help.


At the end of this year, I feel so lonely and so sad. I fear calling her, because if I did she would again start her drama and harass me emotionally. If she could ever realize how much hard she is making my life.


Whats up with my father? Why is he not doing the right things? Do they think of using me as a pawn in home politics they are playing? Do I have no other sense of value to them?



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I haven't read all your post but I decided to reply because no one else has. One thing you have to realize is that as children we forget that our parents have their own lives and issues. Just because they have us they don't all of a sudden change and become perfect. You have to know that their issues and all the things they say and do are about them and have nothing to do with you. One day you'll just get up and decide that it hurts but you still have a life of your own to live.

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