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Why do girls like *******s?

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OK to start out... I am usually the nice guy (definately not always... I've learned my lesson), I have a lot of lady friends (sluty and nice... the full spectrum), therefore I know way more than I ever want to about women. And from past experience I notice that getting drunk, hooking up with a girl, and then not calling her is the best way to make her crazy about you... or to ignore them, or, very worst of all, allready have a girlfriend.


For me I finally found a ridiculously innocent, nice girl. Never even kissed a guy before me. She actually likes nice guys. But even now I find that the best way to help her be attracted to me is to get pissed off sometimes, tell her what to do, ignore her a while, ect.. never fails. Don't get me wrong I really do treat her incredibly nice... we do love each other. But I notice doing stuff like this on a tiny scale (please dont get me wrong) makes her want to be so much nicer and so much more commited to me, and she never nags me or get angry at me when I act like this, she just does more to make me like her..


Anyways, all the post here seem to support this: "ohh my husband's a great guy, but I'm bored, so I decided to cheat". "maybe if my husband wasn't such nice guy I'd be more attracted to him". Blah blah blah. It just kind of pisses me off because I do want to be a nice guy, but I know better. But, ultimately, being the nice guy got me a lot of lady friends then I learned that you just have to be an ******* sometimes. Therefore I am infinately better with girls now. Knowing how to play this stupid game is probably the reason I have my girlfriend now who is the sweatest girl in the world.


Just want to know why this is....


P.S. dont get me wrong I still am very much "the nice guy". I just know my limits. And dont say not all girls are like this... ALL are. It's just on different levels.

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It's the emotional changes that get women excited. Being happy, sad, or angry all the time is boring. But if you get a woman to feel many different emotions, it makes things interesting and even exciting for her.


That's just how women work.

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wow, you put that really well, lovegod. i was trying to figure out why that is so true for me. i can't think of a better explanation. took the words right out of my mouth!

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It's the emotional changes that get women excited. Being happy, sad, or angry all the time is boring. But if you get a woman to feel many different emotions, it makes things interesting and even exciting for her.


That's just how women work.



Thats fine, but take out " woman" and change it to "people". men always want you more when you are a bit unavailible ! Never read the book, but "why mean love b*tches", probably proves my point.

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All good points... Maybe an honesty thing. If your always nice, your probably full of BS. Like everything you just need to get a good balance going. And yeah I do think it's us guys too, now that I think about it. That "my husband's too easy and too nice stuff" somewhere on this site just pissed me off, and I had to vent... peace

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I think u r rite about getting a little mad and then u get what u want. My wife was (stll is) like that.

I am one of those nice guys to a fault and get walked all over, Then when backed into a corner I pop and she is all over me.

I HATE that. I don't want any lovin" because she wants to calm me down and make everything "NICE" again.

So I don't pop as a rule anymore.

Recently after a 6 year hiatus from lovemakin' I popped because she was flirtin' BIG TIME with a guy and I got what had been lacking.

I just HATE that.

Just can't figure that out.

I think it has a lot to do with your home life as a child.

Mine was very loving and functional, hers dysfunctional and alcoholic and she was always placating her dad. Damn shame cause has really messed her up.

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No one wants a doormat. Stand up for what you feel is important or meaningful to you and you'll get more respect for it.


On the other hand, pick your battles. If you're standing up for ridiculous things, you're not going to get much respect.


Most women want strength in their partners. Another member explained it credibly in that if you can't stand up for what you believe, you're not going to be much use when it comes time for you to stand up for your woman.

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