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Advice from girls

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Lady's please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Ive been dealing with this girl for around 4 months, but she isn't officially my girlfriend yet. I like her alot, and she likes me alot also but i don't know if she's talking to other guys.


My question is Would it be better if i showed that i cared if she messed with other, or should i play it off and act like i don't care? Why?

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dude, if you like her, tell her. She is not a mind reader, any more than you are, and if she is talking to other guys, it is probaby becuase she isnt sure where you two stand so she wants to make sure she has "backup"in case things dont work out between you to. But just tell her how you feel, I think it is time to have the "what are we" talk

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I totally agree with niko 1999. She is not a mind reader. I hate it when guys make me wonder or assume that I know. I'm the type of person that likes to hear it from my guy what he is thinking and how he feels. Trust and communication is the key factor to a great relationship!!!! Good luck and wish you the best!!!!!!



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