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3 months of NC,stuff her,I'm moving on!!


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Yes,it is now 3 months since she ended our relationship.It was always my fault,never hers.I didn't text her enough,tell her I love her enough,give her the attention she needed.Spending four full days and nights a week just wasn't enough for her.She wanted just the two of us to do things together,preferred it that way.If I wanted to see my friends for a drink,her behaviour changed and I got the silent treatment.She threw me out of her home like a dog into the street because we had a disagreement(this happened 5 times)and she didn't see my side.I had to wake up friends,family as I live 15 miles away.Next day she'd be all aplogetic and me,like a fool let it go,every time.I'm not perfect but never deserved this.


It's amazing how you can hit rock bottom then suddenly see the wood from the trees.I was down over the Xmas and New Year and yesterday particularily,I found very tough.But today was much better.

I have thought a lot over the past 3 months and only now have I come to the realisation that she can go and jump off a cliff for all I care.

I needed to go through the motions and now I feel proud of myself for not running to her as she would have expected(I did before)

I loved her dearly,but now realise I can't allow myself to be manipulated by somebody that is so selfish to work on a relationship that just doesn't always go her way.She's a quitter,I'm a stayer.I'm staying,but she can go and evaporate.


To anybody else out there that feel they have been given a raw deal I cannot advocate NC enough.Put simply,if they're not prepared to work on things,decide to quit,then let them go.Who wants a quitter?

NC will help you find yourself again and it will give you back your self esteem.

I have no bad feeling towards this girl,I am just for the first time beginning to feel sorry for her

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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An uplifting post! I hope after 3 months of NC I can move on as well as you seem to have.

Thanks and good luck!

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AMEN BROTHA! AMEN IN DEED! It's been 4 months for me now. I tried one last time to reach out to her at Christmas time. I guess the email I sent was too personal for her so she didn't respond. So I sent another that was less personal. She got around to sending me a response YESTERDAY. I read it, deleted it, felt nothing.


Freedom is almost in my grasp!:D

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I like my dark world but I want him out of it. There is not room for the both of us hahahahahaha:o

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Right on Buster! Good for you! I feel like I'm sort of starting to see the light about my ex as well. I mean, who is it that has a girlfriend who loves him totally and completely, with whom he has a great physical connection, and who has her own life and passions and joy, and dumps her because she's not a musician? Especially when she's a DANCER who talks about music all the time and has 10 new songs to play for him every time he walks through the door? If he's that shallow, I kinda don't want him, y'know?


Anyway, thanks for the perspective. Your ex sounds like she has a lot of issues. You can find a woman who won't treat you that way -- we're out here!!!


And Brothermartin, good for you too! Now don't contact her again! If they can't appreciate the love we had for them, do they really deserve it?

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Hey Sedgwick,I hope you soon come to the realisation that if they don't want you for what you are then they aren't worth it,plain and simple.


So you're not a musician? If you were,would it change you as a person?

I think not.Maybe he just lacks security and wants you to fill the gaps for him.Your interest in music and the support I'm sure you gave him is more than anybody could ask for.


You're a dancer,does he take the same interest in dancing? Probably not. So what I'm trying to say is if they need to change us,then maybe they don't deserve us.Take care!

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