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need advice

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Well Ive sat next to this guy all year in school and hes a really nice and a couple of weeks ago he gave me a note asking me out but i thought he was just kidding because he jokes around a lot, so i wrote him back "stop playing", and he hasnt talked to me since. What should I do now because i feel really awkward around him because i like him but I dont know if "like him" like him?

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Give him a note and tell him you're ready to go out with him. Invite him to do something...like a concert, movie, or just going for a burger.


If your note to him previously caused him such a stir in his mind, he may have a very weak ego or be psychologically unstable. In that case, you may be very lucky to be rid of him. Hopefully you'll be able to go out with him once to see what kind of a guy he really is.

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