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some one i need

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i have major trust issue with my man because some things that happened in the beginging of our relationship. Weve been togather two years since then and i still dont trust him a bit. He lies about little no nothing ****. I am sick of it. He has a job where they go out of town alot. Also there is this girl that works in his office that he talks about alot but he swears up and down there is nothing going on and i dont believe it. why else would a man always talk about someone else also he has been getting mad at me for nothing and saying some really crul things. He tells me he dont love me and he wants me to leave but then he loves me to death the next day. he also dont have sex with me that much only like once a week, hes 26 yrs old and i am 20 and i am not a bad looking girl. He says its because i bitch to much, but hes always giving me a reason to bitch. Some one please give me some advice and help me. I love this guy i have a 1yr old little girl with him and i want it to work so bad, but i dont think he feels the same about me even though he says he does....

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