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The situation doesnt seem to be so bad right now


but..my b/f and i were sitting on the couch..and there were crumbs so we started getting them off and then i hear him say oh cool, and he holds up a condom..it must have been stuck in the side, near this pocket of couch..he said we probably should check the expiration date on that.


I did become a little suspicious just b/c of finding a condom..we use them and im pretty sure its ours..but i do remember that we have not used any near the couch recently


the expiration date of the current condoms we have is 2 2012..and this expiration date is 10 2011..so does this mean this condom he bought for us last year or something or atleast awhile ago? condoms have a shelf life of 4 or 5 years? so the recent condoms show it was bought now or 2007 and this found one was bought in 2007 or 2006...would they still continue to sell condoms where one expiration date is shorter than another?

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I'm sure they continue to sell condoms as long as the expiration date is in the future even though they might get a new batch in. Just like with dairy products...they might get the new batch of milk in this week, but they don't get rid of the other milk as long as the expiration date hasn't passed.


I wouldn't worry about it. Your bf didn't try to hide it, nor did he seem at all anxious about finding the condom there. If he were doing something he shouldn't have, he wouldn't have been all 'cool!' about finding the condom.

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i guess you are right norajane..why would he even bring it to my attention?


i guess it could have been bought any time..but it doesnt match up to what we have now so thats good..b/c if it did..i know we havent used any in that area in awhile so how would that get there you know?


hopefully its out from a few months ago or last year.

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Maybe it was in his pocket and fell out? I know my husband and I always used to carry a condom with us when we used to have sex.

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no he doesnt carry that in his wallet..it way down in the couch..i think it was probably there awhile..


hopefully im just overanalyzing

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Its great to put a condom in the couch incase the time comes where you get heated on there, that way you don't have to get up, search for one come back with him sitting up watching TV saying he's not in the mood any more :lmao:

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Its great to put a condom in the couch incase the time comes where you get heated on there, that way you don't have to get up, search for one come back with him sitting up watching TV saying he's not in the mood any more :lmao:

heck im always in the mood


but yeah i think you are overanalyzing...it was an unopened condom right? maybe i would be more curious if it was opened...but since it wasnt than dont worry about it and dont let it be a cause of anxiety and a potential problem.

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