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Really ......

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Here's my situation.....


Last summer, went on a group dinner with several friends....woman was present, who had recently divorced. Had met the woman previously, but had never talked to her, etc.


We exchange numbers, etc. Next day, she contacts me....we hit it off. We go on another dinner outing that evening too; smaller group. She is really flirting with me, etc.


We start communicating via IM, etc. She is really interested in seeing me again, etc. (we are 100 miles apart) I have a meeting coming up in the town she is in, so we make plans to see each other.


I end up staying the night with her for two evenings...it was pure chemistry between us. Easily the most enjoyable dinners, etc that I have ever had in my life.


For the next month, whenever I could get away to see her, I would head that way. On the days I could not, we would be on IM at least 4-5 hours...plus constant txting, etc.


One evening, after this month passed...she wanted to back off completely---was not ready for a relationship she stated. I was deeply crushed...she wanted to remain friends.


She was afraid I would never speak to her again, etc. We kept up the IM'ing...txting, had a few lunches/dinners together...but never proceeded to be intimate.


I found out that she was in a relationship with another in the interim (she didn't tell me...others did) I never asked her about this, and she never told me. I was hurt over this because it was a contradiction of what she told me.


Months pass, we are still friendly...and she finally tells me that the guy she was seeing and her decided not to see each other again. This was shortly before the holidays.


I meet up with her, exchange the Christmas gifts we had bought for each other...have dinner.


She has a vacation scheduled for Christmas and the New Years...we spend an incredible amount of time on IM (back to 4-5 hours a day) plus had a few 2+hour phone calls during this time.


She gets back from vacation, and asks me if she was sending me mixed signals...I wasn't sure what she meant, so I needed clarification from her. Seems that she just wants to be friends...that I was now her best friend, and she was grateful for that. In addition, she told me that she just "freaked out" last summer and got scared of what she was getting into with me. I told her I can understand that...


What I am really asking here...maybe someone can provide clarification on this. She tells me that I am wonderful, generous, caring, yada yada yada. I have told her that I would do anything for her...that I care deeply for her, and would love to have her in my life. She also admits that what we did last summer was absolutely incredible, and it meant a lot to her.


Anyway, to me, it appears that I stuck my neck out...and she isn't interested in being intimate with me ever again. Yet...some of the signals I receive from her....


Thoughts? Suggestions? Insults? :D

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