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Need help, dont know what to do

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Hello evrybody whats up? ok, here it goes. During the school year i met somebody that i was slightly attracteed to, and as the year progressed i came to like her more and more. Then prom came around and i got the guts to ask and she said yes. Sounds good huh? well a week or so after i asked she gave me a "note" describing what was wrong with her because she had been acting funny. So i wait for an hour or so to opening it for fear of what it may contain. and it said something along the lines of "I wanted to go to prom w/ mark"{the guy she likesX(}. So the next day i told her that it was ok if she went with him as long as it made her happy. So i was ok for a day or so. then i got really upset and we didnt communicate well after that(well i didnt). And we grew apart. me feeling like a jerk and missing her. then at the end of the year i asked her to sign my yearbook and she gave me her # and said to call if i'd like too. And i was wondering if what i did jeopardized everything? and how can i go about talking to her? things would be awkard. should i call, if so what could i say?

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Well, I wish I had had somebody like me when I was in high school to talk to me like I'm going to talk to you.


First, have nothing more to do with this lady. She has clearly shown you she does not keep her word or her commitments. People who don't keep their word aren't worth the air they breathe. She accepted your prom invitation and then she begged out. I mean the balls of her to give you a note basically telling you thanks but there's somebody else she'd rather go with. Screw her.


Now, you have to work on not being so nice. You let her off the hook way way too easy. You should have told her she had to stick to her commitment to go to the prom with you.


When somebody treats you like crap, which is basically what she did, don't give them another chance to come back into your life and do it again. Don't do it now...don't do it ever. You keep that rule and you'll have a lot better life. She's already shown you what kind of flakey scuzz she is so, unless you're into some kind of strange masochism, keep her away from you...I mean NO MORE friendship or anything. She has shown you she doesn't care about your feelings. There are way too many people in the world who will be kind and considerate to you without you seeking out friendships with people who could care less.


Now, let's see if you have the nuts to stay away from this loser.

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wow! that makes alot of sense. she just confused me by telling me that she was "soooo sorry", and "is there anything i can do to make it up to you". Then she talked to me like nothing had happend. it left me confused. but after that eye opener i dont know what i was thinking. Thanks alot!

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