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Need advice regarding a newish ldr

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long distance

so i met this woman in late july. we were both living in the same small town for the summer. we clicked as they say. fairly strong emotions and attraction right off the bat. we 'fell' for eachother. saw each other often. did a bit of traveling in the region together. camping. just having fun romancing one another. it was apparent we were both into it. towards the end of september we both returned to our winter residences...which happen to be in different states of the northwest and about a 10 hour drive/3 hour plane. we stayed in touch. phone calls. emails. i'd send her a care package...etc. she was upfront...which i appreciate. when i met her this summer she was in the middle of a hard break up...and was not ready to start a relationship with me (or anyone) particularly not a long distance one. so i knew where we stood. we would date...long distance. in early november she came to visit. we had a wonderful time. then she left and we were both sad. she became quite sad and it was affecting her quality of life. feeling not present in her life. biding her time until we saw eachother again. so she decided that was not healthy. that she should date other people where she lives and have a bit less contact with me. i understood this. then christmas comes and i go to see her. she brings me to her family christmas party. i stay at her moms house. meet dad, sisters, brothers, grandma... i know that she is dating others there, but i am the one that gets brought to the family function.


so things are actually pretty good. she has told me about the other people she is seeing.

i do like her very much and think she is an amazing person.


i'm new to the long distance thing and just looking for any words of advice.

Edited by long distance
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