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friend with crush...

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Well, like everyone in this forum, I am confused by my friend, and seeking advice.


We have known each other for a year through other friends, and have had good feelings as friends. We have always met together with others until last month after many emails and texts. He never sends emails & texts me first, but always responds right away and suggests hanging out.

The thing is, I have had crush on him, and I don't know if he knows this or how he feels about me.

One night I met him for dinner and went to his place to watch tv, and it got late so I decided to just stay. Until that time, our talk was purely as friends, a rather good one.

But then, when I sat on bed next to him (it wasn't so awkward since we are friends), he suddenly started kissing me and at last we had sex. We did not have any drinks-no alcohol involved!

He didn't say anything verbal about me, but wanted to cuddle with me and was real sweet. He even held me tight while sleeping.

Anyway, after that night I didn't want to sound needy so I didn't contact him for a week, and after that I went to his place again but that time he was busy with his work, and told me he needs to focus now. He said he doesn't meet other people when he is working on something, but since it was me, he is meeting me.(he is a busy designer and has very tight deadlines)

I said sorry but he told me, it was his choice to invite me over.

But, he did not mention one thing about last week about sleeping together, and nor he wanted to make any physical move on me. So that is why I am so confused.

At last he really needed to get back to work seriously, so I had to leave.


How should I interpret this? Do you think he has feelings for me?

What should I do now?


A sincere advice would be appreciated.


thank you!

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Well, like everyone in this forum, I am confused by my friend, and seeking advice.


We have known each other for a year through other friends, and have had good feelings as friends. We have always met together with others until last month after many emails and texts. He never sends emails & texts me first, but always responds right away and suggests hanging out.

The thing is, I have had crush on him, and I don't know if he knows this or how he feels about me.

One night I met him for dinner and went to his place to watch tv, and it got late so I decided to just stay. Until that time, our talk was purely as friends, a rather good one.

But then, when I sat on bed next to him (it wasn't so awkward since we are friends), he suddenly started kissing me and at last we had sex. We did not have any drinks-no alcohol involved!

He didn't say anything verbal about me, but wanted to cuddle with me and was real sweet. He even held me tight while sleeping.

Anyway, after that night I didn't want to sound needy so I didn't contact him for a week, and after that I went to his place again but that time he was busy with his work, and told me he needs to focus now. He said he doesn't meet other people when he is working on something, but since it was me, he is meeting me.(he is a busy designer and has very tight deadlines)

I said sorry but he told me, it was his choice to invite me over.

But, he did not mention one thing about last week about sleeping together, and nor he wanted to make any physical move on me. So that is why I am so confused.

At last he really needed to get back to work seriously, so I had to leave.


How should I interpret this? Do you think he has feelings for me?

What should I do now?


A sincere advice would be appreciated.


thank you!


Hi, He could just be a little uncomfortable that the R went to the next level by having sex. I think sometime's that can happen if your friend's for a fair amount of time before taking it to the next level so to speak. I would just come out and ask him how he's feeling. Good luck.



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He's probably awkward bringing it up as you are too I would guess. If it were me I'd just ask him about his feelings. Don't be afraid to bring it up. It happened and should rightfully be addressed. As far as the work thing it sounds legitimate. So next time you guys are one on one just talk about it. Get it in the open.

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thank you for your sincere advice!


I am curious about how he feels about this or me, but I am afraid to ask. It's risking the friendship relationship somehow...and since I have feelings for him, at least I would like to be friends with him in the mean time.


I sent a casual friend email today telling him good luck with his project and let me know if he wants to hang out. I wanted to give a message that I am not pushing things. I think he knows how I feel about him now, so I don't want to be more obvious about it.


I'll see how he responds and take it from there.

But I am really falling for him!!

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Don't take this the wrong way, because I don't mean it in a bad way, but having sex already risks the relationship. The friendship. So don't worry about you bringing it up risking friendship when you guys already had sex. Trust me on this one. And you don't have to be pushy in bringing it up. As long as you don't put out any expectations that you can avoid seeming pushy.;)

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why didnt u contact him for a week? that right there might have given him the sign that you didnt want to take the relationship any further. Also the fact that he invited you over during a time when he should be focusing on his work sorta indicates that he still has u in mind.


but that is just how i see it.

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