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So I met this girl two months ago

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Ok so i met this girl two months ago on a month long trip around india im from the uk she is from the us. We started a relationship whilst on this trip and whilst it was just casual or i thought it was upuntill the last day where our relationship devoloped into something more, she left and caught her flight. She was visably upset when she left and we sent each other text after text. Ive never felt the pain like i felt when she left and i cant for the life of me figure out why i felt like this.


Her plan was to travel for two more months then head home to work, after 1-2 weeks of being apart we aranged for her to come over and stay with me for another week. When we confirmed all this i was so happy and she was also. We had an amazing time on our week together, we spent every minute of it together, and loved every minute. I think i am in love with her and want to pursue the relationship more.


I need some advise on how to continue this relationship, how could she get a visa to the uk or me to the us for a decent amount of time so we can see how this relationship develops. I know i could marry the girl to get her into the country but seems abit excessive to me.

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I don't know about the UK side of bringing her there (your job to research that) but for you to visit her it will be a little difficult. You might be able to get a 1 year or less tourist visa if you have a sponser, my GF got to the US on that and she's from a developing country, but she had a sponser in the U.S., and got really lucky. Coming from the UK should be a lot easier. I think tourist would be the best bet, but I really don't know much about them.


Longer term would have to be work or study. Those are tricky cause you gotta have a job or school to go to. Fiance visas get you in the country for three months then you HAVE to marry, then you can get residency. About a year or two after that you can work. I know all too well that that is an extreme step to take. All the visas besides the tourist visa could take over a year to process and they cost a lot. Marriage and fiance visas are ironically a very hard route to take even if you're already married. Good luck..

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