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How to make it work with his friends?

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Helo everybody, I hope you can give me some advice on how to get a good relationship with my boyfriend's friends.


Here is the situation, we are in a ldr and so I don't really see them a lot. Actually I met them only twice until now and it didn't work out very well. Which is why you're reading this. :)


Most of his friends are guys, he has a couple of female friends, which I would rather call acquaintance since there is no real friendship there, just a big group going out together. There are some good female friends though, of whom I met just one. They all speak a different language than I do(Italian), only one of them spoke English, none Spanish or my language (German). They all had English in school but none except one tried to speak it and one of the people has lived one year in Spain yet also didn't try to communicate. Basically I was there smiling stupidly the entire time and tried to be funny with the few words I can string together in Italian. After a while I was completely ignored. It was similar the second time around.


I know that there isn't much I can do without speaking the language, but I would like to know how I could lift that really weird formal behaviour. Because I do think that if they liked me they on their side would try communicate with me, too. Right? And once everyone is trying you can manage to get along, right?

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There is really not much you can do and they might not take your relationship with him too seriously. Why do you want to get in good so badly with these random people? If you aren't rude to them and you made a genuine effort then your boyfriend will recognize it and love you for it.


Don't worry about impressing people so badly...just be you and if they don't like you for it, then it's their loss.

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I don't want to impress them, I just don't want to have a bad time either. Plus, I know that it is important for him and I feel that I should at least try to get along with them. Just so that I am not the odd one out when I am visiting him and we are going out. You know what I mean?


Blue-Eyed-Brain: :lmao:. They were already gasping since I am 2inches taller than my boyfriend or most of them. It was a kind of giant mutant girl from outa space moment. Quite hilarious when I come to think of it. :lmao::lmao: They would probably think I want to eat him alive when I'll get into a big wet one. :lmao::lmao::p

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