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I have been involved with my best friend off and on for a year now. We started off as friends and I too k her to my prom and after that things heated up. Yet we never stayed on one side, we always bounced back and forth. We would act like the closest people in the world one day, and then we would act like total jerks to each other the next. Well, things came to a climax because she had a date with this guy and that same day we went to her house and fooled around and spent the morning together. We both told someone what had happened and so the kid found out and stopped seeing her. Alot of times we tried to keep to ourselves what went on and still its kind of hard to hide things when we hang around with the same people the majority off the time. So after all of that, we were arguing alot and things got worse and worse until finally we both blew. We were able to sit down two weeks ago and discuss it. She said she cared about me but that we were not acting like friends anymore and after that I haven't talked to her except when we went to the movies the other day with a group of friends but she avoided me. My problem is that I do care about her but I don't know how to show her that I still want to be friends with her?

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