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I'm having a very very difficult time. And I want this to be pretty confidential.


I'm 14 and my mother has made me show her my penis on a couple occasions. She touched me with her hands and mouth. She also told me that I need to see what a vigina looks like and showed hers to me. I like it, but I know it's wrong.


She isn't a bad mother, and I don't want anyone doing anything serious. I just want to know what to tell her.

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Let your mother know what she is doing is TOTALLY inappropriate and is a form of child abuse. Let her know if she continues this incestuous perversion, you will notify the child social services people in your state and report this conduct.


I'm really sorry this is happening to you but it is absolutely a heinous violation of your privacy. Exposing herself to you is also a very serious form of abuse and is against the law. She can go to jail.


If this continues, before you say anything to your mother, see a school counsellor...I guess they aren't around during the summer. If you can't reach a counsellor, talk to your local law enforcement to see what the best approach is for you to take.


We are talking about an extremely serious matter here that could have far reaching effects on you for years to come. Remember, NO MORE PARTICIPATION IN ANY OF THIS...and give her fair warning. Your mother has serious issues which must be treated by the appropriate mental health professionals. Chances are good she was sexually abused as a child but it's very cruel for her to continue that legacy.


Please come back here and let us know if this happens again. We will help in any way we can. Also, please report and let us know how you decide to handle this. It is really a way too delicate matter for a 14 year old to be saddled with but you were very courageous to come here and I think you can handle it.

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Please contact 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) as soon as possible. They will be able to point out local resources available to you to assist you in handling this matter and are open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.


Talk to a trusted adult, such as your minister or priest, teacher, friend's parents, and let them know what you've told us here. If it helps, print out a copy of this web page and take to them.


Best wishes,


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